Yesterday's Oprah


Throwing the deuces
Only caught a few minutes of it but it was the part where the mom said her son who was 5 (?) was going through video game withdrawal. WTF? Not sure exactly what the show was about because I only saw that part but how much gaming would this kid have to do daily to be compared to a heroin addict (mom said it, not me!). The only reason why I was watching it was because I was waiting for my kids to change out of their wet bathing suits from playing in the sprinkler so we could go outside again to ride bikes. Why do I hear about so many kids that don't play outside anymore. That's all I did as a kid. My kids have a huge collection of DVDs that others have bought for them and 90% of them have never been watched and the other 10% were watched once or twice and never again (not because they didn't like them but they aren't "sit in front of the TV kind of kids). I had no part in my kids being "outside kids". I didn't drag them out there to play. They prefer to play outside rather than watch TV. Even in really cold weather, my kids are riding their bikes or playing in the backyard (as I'm breezing my biscuits off, mind you).

Why do you think some kids are "outside" kids and others are "inside" kids?


New Member
He was playing 5 hours of games a day. One hour for each year. I think that is fair.


New Member
That seems like a huge chunk of time for a 5 yr old to be doing that to me. :shrug:

I was kidding. It was scary. That poor freaking kid. He did not even know how to play. She was brave to go on, be honest, and fix it.


Throwing the deuces
I was kidding. It was scary. That poor freaking kid. He did not even know how to play. She was brave to go on, be honest, and fix it.

I can't imagine. I only caught the part of her comparing him to a heroin addict but I am glad that things have changed in their family.


Isaiah 55:8-9
I can't imagine. I only caught the part of her comparing him to a heroin addict but I am glad that things have changed in their family.

I am glad I only allow 45 minutes of PSP time aday. Otherwise, my 9 year old would want to play on it from Sun up to Sun down.
My 4 year old loves, but she is limited to game time as well.

I think kids these days have it way to easy and I think parents allow it because we are in a society that's "ALL ABOUT ME" so ALOT of parents aren't about family time, just about finding time for themselves and if that means letting the T.V., playstation, or PC be a babysitter, they don't care because the kids are out of their hair.

Which Brings me to another point.
I HATE those parents that allow their children to sit in the Electronic Dept. at WalMart or Target even Best Buy and play with those video games or watch T.V.
While the parents are out doing their shopping.
That ERKS my nerves to no end......


Throwing the deuces
I am glad I only allow 45 minutes of PSP time aday. Otherwise, my 9 year old would want to play on it from Sun up to Sun down.
My 4 year old loves, but she is limited to game time as well.

I think kids these days have it way to easy and I think parents allow it because we are in a society that's "ALL ABOUT ME" so ALOT of parents aren't about family time, just about finding time for themselves and if that means letting the T.V., playstation, or PC be a babysitter, they don't care because the kids are out of their hair.

Which Brings me to another point.
I HATE those parents that allow their children to sit in the Electronic Dept. at WalMart or Target even Best Buy and play with those video games or watch T.V.
While the parents are out doing their shopping.
That ERKS my nerves to no end......

We don't have any video games in our house and only limited computer games that never get played because my kids are too busy using their imaginations to make up games or outside. I have to laugh at my 7yr old when he walks up to one of the video game things in Target because he has no clue how to even play it.
That's ridiculous. Did you hear there's a 6 year old that's in rehab...for a drinking problem?! :doh: I'm not sure where it is but I cannot for the life of me understand how something like that happens. Where in the hell are the parents when this SIX year old is getting hammered?!!!