YO BuddyLee

Nanny Pam

A&E has a show starting tonight @ 9:00, about a family who owns their own funeral business. I think it's called "Family Plot."
I know I'll be watching it. :biggrin:
Just thought I'd let ya know.


Southern Beyotch
I saw the previews for that....looks interesting to say the least. Seems it's going to be somewhat of a comedy.


But wait, there's more...
When a real-life family is faced with a stone-cold death, do they laugh, cry or dig for their own sanity? Find out with FAMILY PLOTS, the groundbreaking new series that takes you behind the parlor door of a family run mortuary in Southern California. Tune in to see what really happens when this fun, quirky family tries to liven up a dead business.

NP -- This show is soooo up your alley! :lol:


Well-Known Member
No, you tell Tivo to get it, then you forget all about it. Tivo will get it for me when it comes on, so you have not missed anything yet.

Nanny Pam

Originally posted by Danzig
No, you tell Tivo to get it, then you forget all about it. Tivo will get it for me when it comes on, so you have not missed anything yet.
:smile: OK, thanks! :whew:


But wait, there's more...
Alright ... we we watched the last half of the show ... :shocking: I can't believe those peeps were that 'candid' about their mother being killed, all joking about using the cardboard box in lieu of a coffin! :yikes: Please tell me those chics were acting and that wasn't really their mom laying there dead. :frown: I'd like to think that "television" will realize that some things are sacred, and the passing, viewing, and burial of a loved one falls in that category. :ohwell: To humor it up the way they did ... :frown: