Yo I am trying to stream Calvert Police and Rescue.


Active Member
Does anyone have Winamp installed? If not go here and download it and connect to my server and tell me if you can hear the scanner please.

Winamp download:

My scanner address:

My scanner is located in Northern Calvert county.

Please let me know if you can connect.


Active Member
Come on people. Help me out! Tell me if you can hear my scanner.


I am trying to get SMOD to give me a link on their scanner page.


Methodically disorganized
Thor said:
How does it sound? Too loud too soft?
There is a good bit of static... but much of it is perfectly fine. Connection loaded quickly and have been listening since you posted.


Active Member
hvp05 said:
There is a good bit of static... but much of it is perfectly fine. Connection loaded quickly and have been listening since you posted.

It's analog scanner so that's where the static is coming from. If it works well I'll buy that 400 dollar Unidan scanner I have been eyeing LOL.
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Methodically disorganized
Thor said:
I have the BWI freqs set up want me to turn them on?
Sure... all these delinquent juveniles and domestic incidents are boring now. :lol:

Actually, this reminds me of listening to the scanner in this area (Charles Co. - La Plata) 10 - 15 years ago. Relatively, things were DEAD back then. :lol:


Active Member
hvp05 said:
Sure... all these delinquent juveniles and domestic incidents are boring now. :lol:

Actually, this reminds me of listening to the scanner in this area (Charles Co. - La Plata) 10 - 15 years ago. Relatively, things were DEAD back then. :lol:

Okay stand by let me go up stairs and add the BWI freqs.


hvp05 said:
Sure... all these delinquent juveniles and domestic incidents are boring now. :lol:

Actually, this reminds me of listening to the scanner in this area (Charles Co. - La Plata) 10 - 15 years ago. Relatively, things were DEAD back then. :lol:

I dispatched about 10 years ago, and yes it was boring. Sure things are hopping now.


Active Member
hvp05 said:
This is cool. How often do you run this?

I just put it up tonight. I am trying to see if I can do it. I may continue to run it. Not sure yet. Have to find the Anne Arundel County freqs.


Methodically disorganized
hvp05 said:
Now it sounds like it's offline. Did you change something?
As soon as I said that they came back... :shrug: Considerably louder, though.


Active Member
hvp05 said:
As soon as I said that they came back... :shrug: Considerably louder, though.

Yeah I was up there messing with the scanner. It should be back to normal now.