Yo Larry...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
"On line three we have Larry from Middletown...

...how's the cows out there in the big MT, Lar?"

LG: "Real cute, Shakespeare. We gonna talk Skins or why you're career has 'ascended' to answering the phone?"

Talking head: "Uh, sorry there, LAR. You tired of the Skins?"

LG: "No. Hell NO. You have NO clue what it's like to be a real Redksins fan, asking a stupid azz question like that. Dan Snyder doesn't 'own' the Redskins, not what the REAL Redskins are about, in any event. Therefore there is no ownership or coaching decisions that can make one tire of the Skins or lose patience."

TH: "That's great. Not tired...moving on to...

LG: "Hold up, azzhat. I'm not done. The REAL Redskin fan is at one with George Allen, licking his thumbs at a crucial play... The REAL Redskin fan is all about Larry Brown gettin up one more time, brusied, battered, lining up again and following Lenny Haus and his skinny knees one more time. The Redksins is Terry Hermeling getting caught with vaseline on his Jersey trying anything to gain an edge against the DESPISED Cowboys.

Being a real Skins fan is finding ways of ever having Thanskgiving again after what Clint Longley did. It's Kenny Houston hog tying Walk Garrison just shy of the end zone to end the game. It's a rookie named Darrel coming from nowhere to run down a punk named Dorestt.

It's Harold knocking out Roger. It's Billy sneaking into the endzone on a Monday night in Dallas to win a barnburner. It's Joe getting squashed between Havey and Too Tall...and getting back up. It's Charley Taylor steaking past a beaten Cliff Harris.

It's Dexter getting Danny one more time. It's RFK coming un-glued in pure joy and hysteria. It's Garo fumbling and stumbling and Mike Bass giving us just a little hope but still losing to the best team ever, 14-7.

It's Theisman yelling "YELLOW 30" at the line. It's the Hogs. Jacoby vaporizing some poor shmuck on yet another counter trey. It's Art Monk making everything look effortless. It's the Fun Bunch, Charlie Browns hands seeming to hang to the ground. It's Alvin Garret.

It's Niel Olkewicz, ex-Terp, playing and making yet another game saving tackle with a broken or torn everything. It's Pete Wysocki on special teams busting the wedge.

Being a real Redskin fan is a square toe'd kicker, Mark Mosely setting a record and leading the league in scoring. It's Mike Bragg. It's the Dancing Bear.

It's Dave Butz and the battle scars on his helmet. It's Eanrest Byner dislocating his finger, running to the sideline to have it pulled straight and missing ONE play. It's Joey T and LT and the fateful play.

It's Monte Colemans chisled physique and athleticism. It's #9. It's Didier. Warren. It's Roy Jeffersons sideburns. It's Riggo shedding Don McNeal with one arm in a cast and racing to immortality.

It's THE Joe, starting 0-5 and finishing 8-8 and never looking back. It's the heartache of the Raiders Superbowl 18. It's the perfection of 26 over the Bills. It's the Golden Quarter of Doug Williams and SB 22.

It's all the plays, the players, the frozen moments in time and the dream, the hunger for what comes next. Anticipation, axiety, tension, thrills.

It's not Jack Kent Cookes. It's not Snyders. It's ours. We own the memories and we will keep coming back, keep seeking the Glory, keep hoping, pulling for the Skins, hearing Frank Herzog "Touchdown, Washington Redskins" and the swelling of joy, of pride when the band starts.

Hail, hail I say, and fight on until you have won, sons on Washington.

So there, Mr. Radioman. You ask about tiring, about losing patience. I say you miss the point. The impatience is for the next wonderful moment that will live with us forever. We will NOT leave. We CAN NOT leave. We, and OUR Redskins, THAT spirit that rises anew every Sunday right before kick-off, will live forever.

Does that answer your stupid question?"

TH: "bbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...if you'd like to make a call, please hang up and......."