Governor You’ve Got Mail: Governor’s Office Delivers Gerrymandering Valentines to Maryland Legislators


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“I Wish My Feelings For You Could Be Fairly Represented”

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan’s office today delivered gerrymandering-themed valentines to lawmakers to remind them of the 13 Going on 30 reasons why the Maryland General Assembly should finally take action on nonpartisan redistricting reform.

These love notes to democracy, delivered to members of House and Senate leadership, as well as members of the Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs and House Rules and Executive Nominations committees, include:

  • “Hey Valentine! You have an unfair advantage in the race to my heart.”
  • “Roses are red, violets are blue. Together let’s ensure voters’ votes remain true!”
  • “You’re as fine as a fairly drawn district line.”
  • “I wish my feelings for you could be fairly represented.”

The valentines were adorned by some of the most perplexing and Clueless of Maryland’s congressional and legislative districts.

This marks the fifth straight year that Governor Hogan has submitted legislation to create a nonpartisan redistricting commission. And while it may seem like Groundhog Day to legislators who keep putting the legislation in a drawer without even bringing it up for a vote, the Hogan administration will not let up in its efforts to ensure fairness in the drawing of both congressional and legislative districts.

Calls for nonpartisan redistricting reform have reached a Fever Pitch in recent years, and in Maryland, Love Actually is all around for the governor’s common sense proposal, which is supported by an overwhelming majority of Marylanders.

There’s Something about Mary(land), which has the unfortunate distinction of having some of the most gerrymandered districts in America, and clearly Something’s Gotta Give. In March 2019, Governor Hogan and former California governor and Kindergarten Cop Arnold Schwarzenegger filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in support of the plaintiffs in Benisek v. Lamone, which challenged the constitutionality of Maryland’s gerrymandered 6th Congressional District. Several prominent Maryland politicians were deposed in the case, including former Governor Martin O’Malley, who admitted to drawing maps While You Were Sleeping with the “intent to create a district where the people would be more likely to elect a Democrat than a Republican.” Governors Hogan and Schwarzenegger attended oral arguments in the Benisek v. Lamone case and took part in a rally hosted by Common Cause and the League of Women Voters.

Taking action this year would be As Good As It Gets for the Maryland General Assembly and a huge win for the people of Maryland.

Print your own valentines to show your loved ones the importance of free and fair elections in Maryland. xoxo
