You Can’t Understand The Brutal Reality Of Gun Violence Until You Hear It From Doctors


PREMO Member
Few people in the world are more familiar with gun violence than emergency room doctors and surgeons like Brandt. But until recently they’ve largely kept quiet about their experiences on the front line of this public health crisis.

That changed in November after the American College of Physicians issued new guidelines on how doctors can help protect patients from gun violence ― and the National Rifle Association responded by telling physicians to “stay in your lane.”

In effect, the NRA wanted these doctors to shut up about an issue that touches their lives daily, leading to a record high of nearly 40,000 deaths in 2017, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and around twice as many injuries each year.

The NRA retort was enough to lead many physicians to break their silence. Under the banner of “This is our lane,” surgeons and other doctors thrust themselves into the gun debate, sharing photos from inside operating rooms and telling stories about the agony of treating an unending flow of shooting victims.

You Can’t Understand The Brutal Reality Of Gun Violence Until You Hear It From Doctors

the lock up criminals, do not make if more difficult for a citizen to defend themselves

you ban guns, you end up with a rise in stabbings ..


Well-Known Member
Few people in the world are more familiar with gun violence than emergency room doctors and surgeons like Brandt. But until recently they’ve largely kept quiet about their experiences on the front line of this public health crisis.

That changed in November after the American College of Physicians issued new guidelines on how doctors can help protect patients from gun violence ― and the National Rifle Association responded by telling physicians to “stay in your lane.”

In effect, the NRA wanted these doctors to shut up about an issue that touches their lives daily, leading to a record high of nearly 40,000 deaths in 2017, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and around twice as many injuries each year.

The NRA retort was enough to lead many physicians to break their silence. Under the banner of “This is our lane,” surgeons and other doctors thrust themselves into the gun debate, sharing photos from inside operating rooms and telling stories about the agony of treating an unending flow of shooting victims.

You Can’t Understand The Brutal Reality Of Gun Violence Until You Hear It From Doctors

the lock up criminals, do not make if more difficult for a citizen to defend themselves

you ban guns, you end up with a rise in stabbings

That is the best you can come up? You are really slipping comrade.


Power with Control
Ah, well I recall the ways that ER doctors have tried to stem the tide of car crashes, and keep us safe from those............ since 30,000 people a year die in car crashes...... here's position points from the guidelines to help physicians reduce the risks of vehicular death and injury......

Physicians should counsel patients on the risk of having vehicles at home, particularly when children, adolescents, people with dementia, people with mental illnesses, people with substance use disorders, or others who are at increased risk of harming themselves or others are present.

Physicians are encouraged to discuss with their patients the risks that may be associated with having a vehicle at the home and recommend ways to mitigate such risks, including best practices to reduce injuries and deaths.

Physicians are encouraged, individually and through their professional societies, to advocate for national, state, and local efforts to enact legislation to implement evidence-based policies, including those recommended in this paper, to reduce the risk of preventable injuries and deaths from vehicles including but not limited to universal rigorous driver training .

Lawmakers should carefully consider the massive body of evidence that suggests the more in-depth driver training requirements will create a decreased risk of vehicular injuries and deaths

Whoops, thats right, the ACP hasnt decide to engage on a a topic that kills and maims far more Americans that guns ever will, I decided to rewrite some of the ones about guns for them.


Well-Known Member
Someone should counsel physicians about the dangers of medical mistakes, as they kill more people every year than guns.

I have a friend that is permanently blind due to a medical mistake.

According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, more than 250,000 people in the United States die every year because of medical mistakes, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer


Resident PIA
My mama use to say, figures lie and liars figure. Unlike vehicular accidents, injury and death by fire arm statistics are pardon the pun, "doctored" for the shock value.
In an effort to have guns banned they lump all injuries into the pot to inflate the number of "victims" - anyone recall the NY Giant who shot himself in the nutz because he had shoved a gun in his sweatpants.

Discounting accidental 'self inflicted wounds, illegally obtained weapons used in the commision of a crime, gang violence, etc.

Should we do our best to prevent accidents, yes. I remember taking my NRA course and it was focused on just that - gun safety. How to properly use and store a firearm.
But the vast majority of what doctors see are the shottings in places like Chicago, where the participants can't even spell NRA and the guns they are using were not purchased legally


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ah, well I recall the ways that ER doctors have tried to stem the tide of car crashes, and keep us safe from those............ since 30,000 people a year die in car crashes...... here's position points from the guidelines to help physicians reduce the risks of vehicular death and injury.....

Whoops, thats right, the ACP hasnt decide to engage on a a topic that kills and maims far more Americans that guns ever will, I decided to rewrite some of the ones about guns for them.

And this:
Someone should counsel physicians about the dangers of medical mistakes, as they kill more people every year than guns.

Yes, doctors, gunshot wounds are terrible. We already know that. But that's not the point; the point is what to do about it. As we can see in states with strict gun laws and communities that have banned guns entirely, those methods aren't helping to prevent gun violence.

If it were me, I'd ban criminals and violent aholes. That seems to best way to stop gun violence. Commit a violent crime with a gun, you get strapped to the chair. And keep doing it until the violent aholes are all gone. Problem solved.


Power with Control

And this:

Yes, doctors, gunshot wounds are terrible. We already know that. But that's not the point; the point is what to do about it. As we can see in states with strict gun laws and communities that have banned guns entirely, those methods aren't helping to prevent gun violence.

If it were me, I'd ban criminals and violent aholes. That seems to best way to stop gun violence. Commit a violent crime with a gun, you get strapped to the chair. And keep doing it until the violent aholes are all gone. Problem solved.

well, not really. Those violent aholes will be dead, but there are new ones being born all the time. but your method will mitigate the problem far more than making up fake names for things and then banning those fake things. Or having a doc tell me about the dangers of keeping a firearm in my house. Hell, I'm still torqued off at the Canandian border guy quizzing me about the possibility that I had firearms back at home 800 miles away from where I was talking to him.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
well, not really. Those violent aholes will be dead, but there are new ones being born all the time.

Gotta get 'em before they knock up some skeezer. People like you and me don't give birth to violent criminals - it happens, but it's rare. ####bags usually come from other ####bags.

I'm interested in when exactly we started being so pro-crime in this country, and insisting that some rapist/murderer/child abuser is just "misunderstood" and it's society's fault because of blah blah blah. It's on my list to research.


Power with Control
Gotta get 'em before they knock up some skeezer. People like you and me don't give birth to violent criminals - it happens, but it's rare. ####bags usually come from other ####bags.

I'm interested in when exactly we started being so pro-crime in this country, and insisting that some rapist/murderer/child abuser is just "misunderstood" and it's society's fault because of blah blah blah. It's on my list to research.

I blame Clockwork Orange........


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I blame Clockwork Orange........

You know...

In a lot of movies and TV shows they romanticize the bad guy or he's been wrongly convicted. Shawshank Redemption. The Green Mile. Executioner's Song. Orange is the New Black. Natural Born Killers, which was exactly about this subject. Ocean's 11. The Usual Suspects. Goodfellas. Casino. Badlands. Dexter. Monster. Breaking Bad. The Sopranos. SONS OF ANARCHY!!!!! There are a million of them.

No wonder people are screwed up and don't know right from wrong anymore.


Well-Known Member
Approx. 3,000 babies are aborted each day almost 1 million a year.
Yet DOCTORS are doing the killing.

Don't talk to me about gun deaths when you support abortion and make money doing it.

Now to get on to the gun deaths. How many gunshot wounds are seen in St Mary's County each year.?
Certainly not very many as compared to say Chicago.

If you are so badly upset about gun deaths go somewhere where the citizens aren't shooting each other every day.
How many cancer deaths and how many cancer patients do they see each day.
That would make me a lot sicker than a shooting.


Power with Control
Whhhaaattttt .............. :shocking:

Yeah, summer of heck, 2012, maybe, had won $1500 in travel cash from the company I worked for then. Always has awesome door prizes at the company Christmas Party at that place. So we decided to go someplace we would never normally think of to go. Got a sixth floor panormaic suite overlooking the falls for the wife, kids and I. Was the fourth of July weekend, even Niagara was suffering silly SOMD style heat and humidity. which is why I didnt get ito even a bit with the Canadian border guy. Did not want to spend 2 hours with the whole family watching Canadians tear apart my SRT-8. I mean, they built it and all, but still :)

And over wifes and my passports, kids birth certificates, standard border stuff, where ya headed, how long you gonna be there, hot as ba$%3 out here. "Got any firearms or other weapons like knives in the vehicle, Sir?. None at all, no firearms or other weapons except a small survival knife in the kt in the trunk. Do you have firearms at home, Sir?. Excuse me, at home?. Yes Sir, I'm asking if you have any firearms at home, in Mary-Land., I dont....?. Thank you, Sir, enjoy your trip to Niagara."

Was very bizarre. As I said, had it been nicer weather and I didn't have the wife and kids, I might have spent some time not answering that question, but I was NOT chancing blowing the family vacation.


PREMO Member
Do you have firearms at home, Sir?. Excuse me, at home?. Yes Sir, I'm asking if you have any firearms at home, in Mary-Land., I dont....?. Thank you, Sir, enjoy your trip to Niagara."

yeah Non ya ....


Well-Known Member
That is truly bizarre. What would have happened if you answered "yeah got a whole basement arsenal" ?