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From the Drudgereport:

Sun Jul 10 2005 20:29:27 ET

Over the weekend, the liberal activist group MOVEON.ORG hosted over house parties across the nation to stop President Bush from nominating a “radical right judge” -- and the DRUDGE REPORT obtained an exclusive invite to one of their hottest parties!

Charles Fazio of Alexandria, VA was the host of one of the most widely attended MOVEON parties in the Washington, DC area. The DRUDGE REPORT has learned because of Fazio’s registration success, his party was chosen to be a finalist on the WASHINGTON POST’s list of house party events the paper would cover.

In a desperate bid to sanitize his gathering and control how its attendees would be perceived by the POST, the MOVEON host emailed talking points to his guests. A copy of those talking points was obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

Fazio warned his guests: “Its very important that if you talk to the reporter, you stay on message. Remember, it is quite possible that our event will be the one the POST uses to represent the entire MoveOnPac effort this weekend.”

The key message for the event: “The momentum is finally shifting away from extremism. We will not accept a extremist nominee. This is not about conservatism vs liberalism or Republicans vs Democrats, this is all about extremism vs moderation and we're on the side of moderation.”

The MOVEON host reminded his guests: “We don't want to come across as leftist, liberal activists. We want to come across as we are- regular folks who are finally saying enough is enough to the extremists; that we're not falling for their extremist rhetoric anymore and we're finally going to expend the effort necessary to get our country back.”

Fazio: “Please stay on message and just know that ANYTHING you say can be taken out of context and used against the effort.”

One last suggestion from Fazio to his liberal MOVEON party-goers: “Oh, because a photographer will be here, might I suggest we put away our ‘Bush is a Liar’ t-shirts. Let's look like they do.”


I loved the part about how the host wanted for everone to come across as "regular folks" and not as leftist, liberal activists, so he had them take off the Bush is a Liar shirts... like "regular" folks wear those.


This Space for Rent
Well, you sure can't try to paint the other side as extremists if you remind everyone you are one. :lol:


Super Genius
I just want one of the reporters to ask "What do you consider extreme?" and watch them describe a moderate.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I just want one of the reporters to ask "What do you consider extreme?" and watch them describe a moderate.
They won't be able to - they'd almost certainly phrase everything in terms of the "extemists" they're opposed to. They're defined by who they oppose; beyond that, they don't actually stand for anything.

They can't seriously regard themselves as moderates, no matter how much KoolAid they drink.


9/11 - Never Forget!
Bruzilla said:
From the Drudgereport:
...This is not about conservatism vs liberalism or Republicans vs Democrats, this is all about extremism vs moderation and we're on the side of moderation...

To a certain extent this is right. However, what they missed is it's all about the Constitution. If it's not in the Constitution then the Legislatures must address the issue, not the courts! Legislators have to answer to the people.

MoveOnPAC, on the side of Moderation? :bs:


"We're on the side of moderation," he said as he took off his Bush Is A Liar t-shirt. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I think the best example of the moderation of Liberals came from Chuck Schummer. Despite all of his "we want to be moderate... team players... working with the White House...", once the cameras and microphones were off, and he thought he was out of the public eye, the real Schummer came out. He even had the nerve to go on Meet The Press and try to play the same tired old Moderate game this sunday, even after just about everyone but Paris Hilton had heard about him declaring war. What a dope.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
wmburdette said:
To a certain extent this is right. However, what they missed is it's all about the Constitution. If it's not in the Constitution then the Legislatures must address the issue, not the courts! Legislators have to answer to the people.

MoveOnPAC, on the side of Moderation? :bs:


Bruzilla said:
"We're on the side of moderation," he said as he took off his Bush Is A Liar t-shirt. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I think the best example of the moderation of Liberals came from Chuck Schummer. Despite all of his "we want to be moderate... team players... working with the White House...", once the cameras and microphones were off, and he thought he was out of the public eye, the real Schummer came out. He even had the nerve to go on Meet The Press and try to play the same tired old Moderate game this sunday, even after just about everyone but Paris Hilton had heard about him declaring war. What a dope.

What he should have said is "We're on the side of truth" as he put his Bush Is A Liar t-shirt on.


New Member
wharfrat2 said:
What he should have said is "We're on the side of truth" as he put his Bush Is A Liar t-shirt on.
Or maybe you should say "We're on the side of honesty" as you steal music and trade it illegally on the internet.


neener said:
Or maybe you should say "We're on the side of honesty" as you steal music and trade it illegally on the internet.

Nothing is being stolen or traded illegally.


New Member
wharfrat2 said:
Nothing is being stolen or traded illegally.
Did you have permission from each one of those bands to record their show? Did you have permission to burn those shows to CD and distribute them? Or is it because you are a liberal, you think everything should be free and nobody should get paid for their work?