You live by the sword...



Gramm calls slowdown 'mental' - Mike Allen -

Former Sen. Phil Gramm, a top economic adviser to presumptive GOP nominee John McCain, referred to the economic slowdown as "a mental recession" and called the United States “a nation of whiners.”

The comments, in an interview with The Washington Times, could hurt the campaign’s efforts to convince working-class Americans that McCain feels their pain.

McCain strongly disavowed the comments today , saying Phil Gramm "does not speak for me — I speak for me."

So... when Wright speaks, he speaks for Obama, but only McCain speaks for McCain? Maybe he should have thought about that before running on making an issue out of what other people say.


Well-Known Member
Gramm calls slowdown 'mental' - Mike Allen -

Former Sen. Phil Gramm, a top economic adviser to presumptive GOP nominee John McCain, referred to the economic slowdown as "a mental recession" and called the United States “a nation of whiners.”

The comments, in an interview with The Washington Times, could hurt the campaign’s efforts to convince working-class Americans that McCain feels their pain.

McCain strongly disavowed the comments today , saying Phil Gramm "does not speak for me — I speak for me."

So... when Wright speaks, he speaks for Obama, but only McCain speaks for McCain? Maybe he should have thought about that before running on making an issue out of what other people say.
If all of the economic indicators are that we are not in a recession, but we keep saying we are, is Gramm wrong or right?

Has McCain called Gramm his decades old economic mentor? Did he donate tens of thousands of dollars to Gramm?

Oh, I see the difference. It's reality vs. your view.


No Use for Donk Twits
Gramm calls slowdown 'mental' - Mike Allen -

Former Sen. Phil Gramm, a top economic adviser to presumptive GOP nominee John McCain, referred to the economic slowdown as "a mental recession" and called the United States “a nation of whiners.”

The comments, in an interview with The Washington Times, could hurt the campaign’s efforts to convince working-class Americans that McCain feels their pain.

McCain strongly disavowed the comments today , saying Phil Gramm "does not speak for me — I speak for me."

So... when Wright speaks, he speaks for Obama, but only McCain speaks for McCain? Maybe he should have thought about that before running on making an issue out of what other people say.

March 14, 2008
Categories: McCain Driving conservatives crazy?
Or letting others do his dirty work?

Or both.

We report, you decide.

A classic exchange between Sean Hannity and John McCain last night (bolding mine):
HANNITY: Sen. Clinton claims that Barack Obama has not had the scrutiny that other candidates have had in this campaign.

There is a big emerging controversy about his pastor of 20 years, a man who went on a trip with Louis Farrakhan to Tripoli, a guy that has — his church has given a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan. We now have some of his sermons. He used "g-d America," "the U.S. of KKK of A." "The chickens have come home to roost," he said the Sunday after the attack on this country on 9/11.

He has called him — Barack has said of his pastor, his trusted adviser, he's proud of his pastor. He married him and his wife. He's baptized his kids.

Does that sound like a problem for you?

MCCAIN: I think that when people support you, it doesn't mean that you support everything they say. Obviously, those words and those statements are statements that none of us would associate ourselves with, and I don't believe that Sen. Obama would support any of those, as well.

HANNITY: He's been — but he's been going to the church for 20 years. His pastor — the church gave a lifetime achievement award to one of the biggest racists and anti-Semites in the country, Louis Farrakhan. Would you go to a church that — where your pastor supported Louis Farrakhan?

MCCAIN: Obviously, that would not be my choice. But I do know Sen. Obama. He does not share those views.

Jonathan Martin's Blog -


I agree. But Bru made the comment McCain was attacking Obambi on the Wright issue.

Wrong again.

Yeah Graham made the comments and McPain could have stood his ground and said "Yeah I agree with that" but the Pussy refused to reach down check his package and stand his ground .........