You Might Work For The Gov If.....

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
You Might Work For The Government If...

1. > > When someone asks about what you do for a living, you lie.

2. > > You get really excited about a 2% pay raise.

3. > > Your biggest loss from a system crash is you lose all your best jokes.

4. > > Your supervisor doesn’t have the ability to do your job.

5. > > Your office computer was just upgraded to a 200 MHz Pentium this year.

6. > > Lunch is like another scheduled meeting, only shorter.

7. > > You and your coequals always consume the free food left over from VIP meetings.

8. > > You’re forced to park your car a mile from the office because of all the
commander’s, military, customers, VIP’s, employees of the onth/quarter/year, and visitor parking spaces by the main entrance.

9. > > Fun is when an important issue is assigned to someone else.

10. > > “One “Oh crap!” wipes out a years worth of “Atta Boys” are words to live by.

11. > > Appearance is more important than substance.

12. > > There is never enough time to do your job, but always enough time to prepare a briefing on it.

13. > > Art involves a white board and dry markers.

14. > > The suspense you were just assigned was late when you received it and you are required to justify why.

15. > > Management thinks a business trip with uncompensated mandatory weekend travel is a perk.

16. > > You have a telephone, pager, e-mail, FAX, company distribution, Fed-X, US > > mail and co-equals sitting right across the hall...communication is a > > continuing problem.

17. > > You know and everyone that works with you knows your performance is superior, but “satisfactory” is the highest level on the documented performance rating.

18. > > Dilbert cartoons hang outside every cube.

19. > > When workers screw up they are transferred to another office to be someone else’s problem; when management screws up they are promoted.

20. > > Your boss’ favorite lines are “when you get a few minutes,” “in your spare time,” “when you’re freed up,” and “I have an opportunity for you.”

21. > > Vacation is something you roll over to next year.

22. > > There is no travel money to do the mission, but somehow always enough money for another conference.

23. > > Organizational direction changes every 2 or 3 months.

24. > > The worst possible reputation comes from being the initiator of a complaint.

Homer J

Power Chord
You Might Work For The Government If...

1. > > When someone asks about what you do for a living, you lie.

2. > > You get really excited about a 2% pay raise.

3. > > Your biggest loss from a system crash is you lose all your best jokes.

4. > > Your supervisor doesn’t have the ability to do your job.

5. > > Your office computer was just upgraded to a 200 MHz Pentium this year.

6. > > Lunch is like another scheduled meeting, only shorter.

7. > > You and your coequals always consume the free food left over from VIP meetings.

8. > > You’re forced to park your car a mile from the office because of all the
commander’s, military, customers, VIP’s, employees of the onth/quarter/year, and visitor parking spaces by the main entrance.

9. > > Fun is when an important issue is assigned to someone else.

10. > > “One “Oh crap!” wipes out a years worth of “Atta Boys” are words to live by.

11. > > Appearance is more important than substance.

12. > > There is never enough time to do your job, but always enough time to prepare a briefing on it.

13. > > Art involves a white board and dry markers.

14. > > The suspense you were just assigned was late when you received it and you are required to justify why.

15. > > Management thinks a business trip with uncompensated mandatory weekend travel is a perk.

16. > > You have a telephone, pager, e-mail, FAX, company distribution, Fed-X, US > > mail and co-equals sitting right across the hall...communication is a > > continuing problem.

17. > > You know and everyone that works with you knows your performance is superior, but “satisfactory” is the highest level on the documented performance rating.

18. > > Dilbert cartoons hang outside every cube.

19. > > When workers screw up they are transferred to another office to be someone else’s problem; when management screws up they are promoted.

20. > > Your boss’ favorite lines are “when you get a few minutes,” “in your spare time,” “when you’re freed up,” and “I have an opportunity for you.”

21. > > Vacation is something you roll over to next year.

22. > > There is no travel money to do the mission, but somehow always enough money for another conference.

23. > > Organizational direction changes every 2 or 3 months.

24. > > The worst possible reputation comes from being the initiator of a complaint.

25.>> You posted this and/or are reading it at work.


Darwin was right
You Might Work For The Government If...

1. > > When someone asks about what you do for a living, you lie.

:whistle: When my relative used to ask me this question I just used to tell them....

"Not a damn thing. I'm a gubmint employee."

That's what they thought anyway.

High EGT

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto
12. > > There is never enough time to do your job, but always enough time to prepare a briefing on it.

The number of hours each day supervision attends meetings is equal to the number of hours SOMD formites post threads or replies.