'You Must Care!' Us: 'No.'


PREMO Member
We refuse to care about stupid Democrat obsessions.

We don't care about climate change. It's a hoax designed to fill the hole in lib souls that used to be filled with faith, and for the ruling caste, it's a tool to steal our money and freedom.

We don't care about some alleged moral necessity to disarm normal Americans. When they whine, "The purpose of guns is to hurt people," we nod. Yes, they are. Our guns never have and never will hurt anyone who is not a criminal or an aspiring tyrant. But when those categories of bad people get uppity, yeah, we reserve our right to hurt them within the bounds of proper laws and morality.

We don't care about claims that America was stolen from other people. Like every other patch of inhabitable dirt on the planet, America was conquered from people who conquered it from someone else first. When we make a "land acknowledgment," it goes as follows: "Yeah, we took it, and now it's ours."

We don't care about their froth-mouthed accusation that America is some sort of racist cauldron of hatred. Many of us served in real racist cauldrons of hatred and have no time for the silly posturing of frivolous ninnies pretending to be white saviors by nattering on about non-existent "white supremacy" – which is a remarkably colorblind concept since anyone who rejects the ideology of the faculty lounge can practice it regardless of race or ethnicity, including people who are black and Latinx – hey, it's our word now, commies, and we're never letting you live it down.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
We refuse to care about stupid Democrat obsessions.

We don't care about climate change. It's a hoax designed to fill the hole in lib souls that used to be filled with faith, and for the ruling caste, it's a tool to steal our money and freedom.
I hear lead works well. :jet:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
We refuse to care about stupid Democrat obsessions.

I wish they meant that but instead their websites and TV shows and Twitter feeds are filled with coverage of stupid Democrat obsessions. They'll cherrypick some rando nobody's ever heard of and make them famous - who gives a chit what Taylor Lorenz has to say? Her batshit is mildly entertaining, but definitely not worth weeks of nonstop coverage. I'd have no idea she even existed if it weren't for Tucker Carlson and Twitchy.

I don't need to know about David Hogg's every inane utterance.

I don't need to know what Vox or any other mentally ill blogger has to say.

It's like rousting some drunken homeless person and asking him what he thinks about the stock market. Who gives a chit what he thinks?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's like rousting some drunken homeless person and asking him what he thinks about the stock market. Who gives a chit what he thinks?
That's how I got a great tip for Hennessy Futures and knew to short sell Tide Laundry detergent.


Well-Known Member
I cannot say I do not care about Climate Change, but I am smart enough to know that Human Beings do not control it and digging up half of china and Afghanistan for rare earth for batteries wont stop it either.
Windmills and solar panels are not the answer.
I care about the 2nd. Amendment, without it we are at the service of people like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and others who would enslave us. Yes some bad people own guns. Lock them up and throw away the key, bring back the death penalty and USE it.
I care about the permanently offended . They can stop their bitching, get in school get educated, and go to work like everyone else.
The description of racism in America is dead wrong. It isn't racist to be white or black ,Red or yellow,It is racist to teach your children that it is their color that is holding them back. What is holding them back is their refusal to take advantage of America's education system and a good work ethic.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I cannot say I do not care about Climate Change, but I am smart enough to know that Human Beings do not control it and digging up half of china and Afghanistan for rare earth for batteries wont stop it either.
Windmills and solar panels are not the answer.
I care about the 2nd. Amendment, without it we are at the service of people like Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and others who would enslave us. Yes some bad people own guns. Lock them up and throw away the key, bring back the death penalty and USE it.
I care about the permanently offended . They can stop their bitching, get in school get educated, and go to work like everyone else.
The description of racism in America is dead wrong. It isn't racist to be white or black ,Red or yellow,It is racist to teach your children that it is their color that is holding them back. What is holding them back is their refusal to take advantage of America's education system and a good work ethic.

See and I mostly couldn't care less what the Democrats think of the 2A. They can bitch and whine all they want and I don't need their permission to own guns. They can make laws until they die and go to Hell and STILL I don't need their permission.

That's what the 2A is for - so I don't need the government's permission to protect myself against evil doers (even when those evil doers are elected lawmakers). That is the whole and only purpose of the 2A: so we don't need the permission of tyrants to defend ourselves.