You reap what you sow


Well-Known Member
So you ignorati types and all the Hannity, Ingram Fox watchers got their panties all in a bunch because our incompetent, inept and unfit President was booed the first time he dared to ventur beyond the rope lines of his own choreographed event and out among the American public he is supposed to be leading.

"Oh it was sooooo disrespectful" was all I heard the other day. Of course the same jackasses who were so offended are the same ones who still refer to the last President as "The Kenyan" or "Obammy"

For those who can't understand why the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump all you need to do is read today's tweet du jour:

This is the man "Cadet Bonespurs" attacked today. This is the man Fox "News" hosts attacked last night:
I have dedicated my entire professional life to the United States of America. For more than two decades, it has been my honor to serve as an officer in the United States Army. As an infantry officer, I served multiple overseas tours, including South Korea and Germany, and a deployment to Iraq for combat operations. In Iraq, I was wounded in an IED attack and awarded a Purple Heart.

Since 2008, I have been a Foreign Area Officer specializing in Eurasia. In this role, I have served in the United States’ embassies in Kiev, Ukraine and Moscow, Russia. In Washington, D.C., I was a politico-military affairs officer for Russia for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs where I authored the principle strategy for managing competition with Russia.In July 2018, I was asked to serve at the National Security Council.

The privilege of serving my country is not only rooted in my military service, but also in my personal history. I sit here, as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army, an immigrant.

How you people who claim to be such supporters of our military and those who serve can continue to sit back and support this president who attacks Gold Star parents, attacks Gold Star spouses, and attacks a man like this who was wounded in service to this country is beyond me.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
How you people who claim to be such supporters of our military and those who serve can continue to sit back and support this president who attacks Gold Star parents, attacks Gold Star spouses, and attacks a man like this who was wounded in service to this country is beyond me.
Did you serve? Your answer will determine my next response.

--- End of line (MCP)


Well-Known Member
So you ignorati types and all the Hannity, Ingram Fox watchers got their panties all in a bunch because our incompetent, inept and unfit President was booed the first time he dared to ventur beyond the rope lines of his own choreographed event and out among the American public he is supposed to be leading.

I'd love to pick apart your entire post, due to it's sheer stupidity, but I'd like to concentrate instead on just the bolded portion.

A huge difference between a serf and a citizen is that a citizen is equal to all other citizens - even those elected to run our government - and a serf is bound to his/her lords.

In the United States, we are not serfs to our elected staff. The president does not "lead the American public", he is the CEO of the government.

This is the reason we on the right tolerate Trump, and you do not. We do not expect to follow our president like a serf, we expect our president to handle governmental affairs like a business leader. We do not look to our government employees (elected, appointed, or hired through a competitive process) as our moral leaders, our spiritual leaders, or really leaders of any kind except governmental affairs.

If you shift your thinking to realize you are a citizen and that government is NOT your lord and savior filled with elected thought leaders, you might very well become a happier person with yourself and society in general.
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Beloved Misanthrope
In the United States, we are not serfs to our elected staff. The president does not "lead the American public", he is the CEO of the government.

That is where the philosophy runs askew in the Leftist mind. They don't see themselves as autonomous.

They see government as the authority over the population, not as a caretaker, not as a servant... But as their God and Provider.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what that person was doing listening in on Trump's phone calls.

A number of people routinely listen to Trump's phone calls. Typically, the National Security Council has 1 or 2 people sit in. Other people listen in another room.

About a dozen people listened to Trump's call with Zelensky.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know what that person was doing listening in on Trump's phone calls.
It was his job. Seriously, this has been explained to you a bunch of times. There are almost always numerous people listening in on calls between heads of state. Nothing sinister, and until he testified about what he heard he was a patriot. It was only after trump told you to hate him that he became a deepstate never trumper

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If the Lt. Col was so concerned about the call why wasn't HE the original whistleblower?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
The short answer, chain of command. He reported his concerns to the appropriate authority within his chain of command.
Appropriate authority? From Vindman's statement he said " I did convey certain concerns internally to National Security officials" (plural), wouldn't it be nice to know who these "officials" are and what action they took with regard to his "concern"? Was it Bolton, Dr. Hill, etc..? And if they didn't respond with equal "concern" why didn't he pursue it farther as allowed via the whistleblower provisions?


Well-Known Member
Appropriate authority? From Vindman's statement he said " I did convey certain concerns internally to National Security officials" (plural), wouldn't it be nice to know who these "officials" are and what action they took with regard to his "concern"? Was it Bolton, Dr. Hill, etc..? And if they didn't respond with equal "concern" why didn't he pursue it farther as allowed via the whistleblower provisions?
Lefties are surprisingly incurious when it suits them.


It kind of interesting that Vindman's testimony is more based on how he felt about the conversation rather than there actually being a crime committed by Trump. Congress is going to impeach the president based on how someone felt while listening to the conversation? Just insane.
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How you people who claim to be such supporters of our military and those who serve can continue to sit back and support this president who attacks Gold Star parents, attacks Gold Star spouses, and attacks a man like this who was wounded in service to this country is beyond me.

I've stated numerous times in this forum that I am a 20 year retired veteran, so you are fully aware of my service; yet you have no problem hurling insults at me. Go get a damn mirror you hypocrite.
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