There’s no upper limit to what they can make us pay for mandates if they frame it right. They can even make you pay for international monkeypox vaccines so that a tiny number of hedonistic outlaws can continue doing horrible, indescribable things to each other without being inconvenienced by a two-week rash.
But maybe the worst one coming down the pike in the name of your own good is … the bug food trend.
They are WAY ahead of us on this one. Bug content — which used to be a reason to yank a disgraced food product OFF the market — is now silently skittering into lots of “health food” products:
Dr Shawn Baker @SBakerMD
Starting to slip the bugz in!!
Bugs are NOT good for you. Bugs like crickets have “exoskeletons” — their bones are on the outside — that are made of something called chitins. Here are two sample studies about the potentially harmful effects of chitins, out of a whole LOT of them:
In addition to potentially causing cancer, chitin also hurts your immune system. From the second study listed above:
Immune recognition of chitin also involves pattern recognition receptors, mainly via TLR-2 and Dectin-1, to activate immune cells to induce cytokine production and creation of an immune network that results in inflammatory and allergic responses.
Remember those pesky cytokines? We sure heard a whole lot about them during covid, didn’t we? Seems like excess cytokines is something we’d prefer to avoid.
Anyway. About ten minutes ago, bugs were something contestants had to eat to advance to the next round on Fear Factor. How can they POSSIBLY convince enough ordinary consumers to voluntarily prefer bug-based food products so it would be economically viable for big business?
You know how. MANDATES. Take away the word, “voluntarily.” Think about how they got the corn into gasoline. It could start as simply as regulations requiring a certain percentage of “sustainable” ingredients in ALL meat products. It will grow from there.
And it’s for YOUR OWN GOOD. To save the Earth from a climate that changes.
There's a new gold rush on. A rush to mandates. Today: what it is, why it's happening to us, and what we can do about it.