Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Macrovision Corp, yesterday unveiled a new technology touted to block 97 percent of the DVD-copying software used by Internet pirates, without interfering with a DVD's play ability or picture quality. Going by the name RipGuard, the system can be included in personal computers, DVD players and DVD recorders, to plug the digital hole through which unauthorized versions of DVD films can be easily copied on a computer and then "burned" to other discs or put online for downloading reports
This burns me up.

If I want to make a back-up copy of something I purchased, then I should be able to. If I'm agreeing to some license agreement that they include, then it should be available for reading on the *outside* of the box.
Oh well... I'm sure my pals in the IT world won't let me down. There'll be a work-around before it's even released.