Your Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Is Fake


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Your Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Is Fake | Food Renegade

Did you know that the Mob makes money hand over fist by selling you fake olive oil? Olive oil is a $1.5 billion industry in the United States alone. According to Tom Mueller, an intrepid journalist who wrote a scandalously revealing book on the subject, 70% of the extra virgin olive oil sold is adulterated — cut with cheaper oils. Apparently, the mob’s been at it so long, that even most so-called “experts” can’t tell a real olive oil from a fake olive oil based on taste alone.


I use Bertolli. The taste is good and not real expensive. Hell, 30w Pennzoil is almost $5 a quart now. Anything with oil is going to be $$$$$


New Member
There was a Yahoo article that touched on this a few weeks ago. It listed the most commonly cheapened foods. Olive oil was one, honey was another.



New Member
Apr. 5, 2012 — In new research published in the April Journal of Food Science, analyses of the first known public database compiling reports on food fraud and economically motivated adulteration in food highlight the most fraud-prone ingredients in the food supply; analytical detection methods; and the type of fraud reported. Based on a review of records from scholarly journals, the top seven adulterated ingredients in the database are olive oil, milk, honey, saffron, orange juice, coffee, and apple juice.

Food ingredients most prone to fraudulent economically motivated adulteration