
King James
KJ ~ Your INNER CUBICLE 6/29/2006

Good afternoon

On my cubicle at my day job ... I have 3 note cards with these phrases on them:

"Hi! Im having a Great Day!"
"I work on the Best Team in the WORLD!" and

Of course I receive snickers followed by a plethora of negative phrases when some pass by ...

Stop lying!" ... "Youre full of it!!" ... "Your job isn't that good if you have to remind yourself huh!"

Actually, that last one isn't so bad b/c sometimes we DO need to be reminded. We all get full of ourselves and/or sometimes down because we are not looking towards the heavens and seeing the bigger picture. Being reminded is good. Besides, there is someone in YOUR city who would LOVE to have your job... but I digress.

The words that I share with those that actually take the time to stop and ask me about the cards is just this...

"No, I dont really LOVE my job... but I do like it. Honestly. And even if it was something I didnt want to do, I would do it with a good attitude. The pastors say we should do it as unto the Lord. (Im working on that.. but for now, Ill concentrate on just having a good attitude) And why not have a great day today?!! Our days are going to be the way they are and theres only so much that we can do to change them at times as everything is not in our control. What we do have control over is our outlook the way we let things affect us. So for today and I cant speak too far into the future I choose to have a great day AND I choose to speak life into my teammates and coworkers."

This is serious stuff folks. I know people who say they hate their jobs. There are even those who on Monday morning will say "Whew I cant wait until this work week is over and its Friday." We have to be considerate about the mentalities with which we surround ourselves. Attitudes are contagious so you can get a good one or bad one with out planning for it sometimes.

And when I'm asked about why I smile so much? I am reminded on how people used to make me feel good when they smiled at me and I didnt have to know the person. That's how I want to make others feel. Besides, we dont know what happened in the lives of others last night or yesterday. I want to carry the demeanor of someone who will listen and be encouraging. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to do right. It's surprising to really know how hurt those around us are. We are hurt too. Just listening and sharing will let us know the real reasons some people do some of the things they do.

I have more than 3 phrases though. Most of the others are on the insides of my mind in a place I call my INNER CUBICLE. What phrases do you have on the inside posted on YOUR INNER CUBIBLE?.

Which of these have YOU had on your INNER CUBICLE?
I hate my job!
Praise the Lord!
Im blessed to have a job
I hate my life!
Men are all liars and cheaters!
Women are too much drama!
He just needs a little more love!
I choose to have a great day!
My next relationship will be successful!
Im better each day!
They all make me sick!

Hopefully, the positive ones are on your INNER CUBICLE. And if not, use today as an opportunity to replace some of the ones that arent the best for you with better ones.

What phrases have you had on your INNER CUBICLE/WALL/Mentaliy? Which ones will you try to keep up from now on?

Today, Im thankful that even though all of my phrases have not been positive, I have the opportunity to change them for the better and share the experience with others.
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True or false:

"I sometimes pretend to know more than I do"

"I usually notice when I'm boring people."

"Sometimes I feel a kind of power around me."

"I always practice what I preach."