Politician Calls For “Compulsory Labor” to Force Germans to Service Migrants
University graduates would face mandatory year of "social service"
A German parliament member has called for introducing a “compulsory labor” program under which young Germans would be forced to spend a year in the service of migrants.
Focus.de reports that CDU MP Eckhardt Rehberg provoked “heated discussion” when he suggested that Germany’s inability to cope with the migrant influx could be solved by making university graduates commit to a year of “social service”.
“We need compulsory service, we have no other way to manage the mass of refugees and their integration,” said Rehberg, adding that graduates should be given the choice of one year military service or one year social service.
The plan would relieve aid workers who are struggling to cope with the huge swarm of migrants and are “at their limit of exhaustion,” according to the report, which states that Germans, “would basically be forced to service refugees.”

compulsory service .... how about you don't admit as many economic migrants