Your prejudice !!


Registered User
Just six seemingly harmless letters
Arranged in a way that will form a word
With more power than the pieces of metal
That are forged to make swords

A couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an N
Just six little letters all jumbled together
Have caused damage that we may never mend


I love Tim Minchin



New Member
First Off it's "YOU'RE"

Second: You're an idiot and there is nothing funny about singing the N-Word. Setting it to tune does not make it okay.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
First Off it's "YOU'RE"

Second: You're an idiot and there is nothing funny about singing the N-Word. Setting it to tune does not make it okay.
Excuse me but maybe I missed something. Did he say the "N" word? All I heard was the "G" word or did you not listen to it and just attack because you can? I'm a "G" biatch! :razz:


Registered User
First Off it's "YOU'RE"

Second: You're an idiot and there is nothing funny about singing the N-Word. Setting it to tune does not make it okay.

And you are even more of an idiot for not watching the video. It's not about RACE.


Registered User
Excuse me but maybe I missed something. Did he say the "N" word? All I heard was the "G" word or did you not listen to it and just attack because you can? I'm a "G" biatch! :razz:


F*****s are born every day, God created them to amuse us smart people. Intelligence is not judged by a person's spelling, but by comprehension based on knowledge, not assumptions, like Serenity40 made.


Registered User
You just made slotpuppy your bestest friend. :yay:

if the rude person had watched the vid, they might have learned that the "misspelled" word was actually a pun.

"Your" being possessive. Meaning to take ownership of being called a Ginger.

But some people just aren't too bright.


Lawful neutral
if the rude person had watched the vid, they might have learned that the "misspelled" word was actually a pun.

"Your" being possessive. Meaning to take ownership of being called a Ginger.

But some people just aren't too bright.

I don't even comment to folks that get mad at me anymore, sometimes people take my unique sense of humor the wrong way and get all butt hurt when I was just trying to make someone smile. They automatically go on ignore never to be heard from again.


Registered User
I don't even comment to folks that get mad at me anymore, sometimes people take my unique sense of humor the wrong way and get all butt hurt when I was just trying to make someone smile. They automatically go on ignore never to be heard from again.

I'm too feisty for that. I like to give as good as I get. Hubba Hubba! lol