You're invited to my wedding. OBTW....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Patron'll have to babysit all the kids and your meals will be $100 each.


It's probably a fake, but funny nonetheless. But let's say it's real and friend genuinely doesn't know how to respond to an "invitation" like that.....

"Should I still send a gift??"


The invitee is besties with the bride's mother since childhood. So if I received something like that, I'd call her mom - "Meg, WTF??? Did you know about this??" She could take it from there. Unless Mom is as tacky as her daughter, and if so why are you friends with these people to begin with?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
She should have turned the tables and told her to comp her dinner in lieu of paying her for her time. If agreed, then back out at the last minute.