Youth Baseball linedrive lawsuit $14.5M


Lawful neutral
$14.5M for boy's brain injury from metal bat - Yahoo! Sports

A New Jersey teenager left brain-damaged after being struck by a line drive off a metal bat while he was playing in a youth baseball game will receive $14.5 million to settle his lawsuit against the bat manufacturer, Little League Baseball and a sporting goods chain.

Domalewski was pitching when the batter rocketed a line drive off the metal bat he was swinging.

The ball slammed into Steven's chest, just above his heart, knocking him backward. He clutched his chest, then made a motion to reach for the ball on the ground to pick it up and throw to first base to get the runner out.

But he never made it that far. The ball had struck his chest at the precise millisecond between heartbeats, sending him into cardiac arrest, according to his doctors. He crumpled to the ground and stopped breathing.


I'm sure kids will be forced to stop playing baseball and start playing wiffleball before its all said and done.