Free Events Statewide Encourage Youth to Get Outdoors

Youth fishing rodeos in the state connect 6,000 thousand young people with the Maryland outdoors each year. Events start in March and run through fall. Anyone 16 years of age and younger may participate.
“For a lot of kids participating in a fishing rodeo, it is their first real angling experience,” Fishing and Boating Services Director David Blazer said. “These events reflect a commitment across the state by the department, our partner organizations and many individuals to help youth develop a passion for fishing and for stewardship of our natural resources.”
To ensure participants have the opportunity to reel in a catch, the department helps raise and supply thousands of hybrid sunfish, channel catfish and rainbow trout for this year’s fishing rodeos.
Maryland’s youth fishing rodeo program receives financial support from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program.
All youth fishing rodeo events are free and open to the public. Due to space limitations at some venues, attendees should call the individual event’s contact to assure space is available.
[ This article originally appeared here ]