Youth see Christians as judgmental


Ubi bene ibi patria
"Study: Youth see Christians as judgmental, anti-gay

Majorities of young people in America describe modern-day Christianity as judgmental, hypocritical and anti-gay. What's more, many Christians don't even want to call themselves "Christian" because of the baggage that accompanies the label.

A new book based on research by the California-based research firm The Barna Group found that church attitudes about people in general and gays in particular are driving a negative image of the Christian faith among people ages 16-29."

Study: Youth see Christians as judgmental, anti-gay -


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Study: Youth see Christians as judgmental, anti-gay

Of course they do - that's the way the media portrays Christians. They probably also think that all Christians run around speaking in tongues and witnessing 24/7. Every single picture you saw in 2004 of the so-called evangelicals, they were these nutties at a revival meeting. Kids whose parents take them to church probably don't think that.

And this book is just another bit of anti-Christian propaganda.


Well-Known Member
And the Bible isnt propaganda? :whistle:

Pronunciation Key n.
1. The systematic propagation of a doctrine or cause or of information reflecting the views and interests of those advocating such a doctrine or cause.
2. Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: wartime propaganda.
3. Propaganda Roman Catholic Church A division of the Roman Curia that has authority in the matter of preaching the gospel, of establishing the Church in non-Christian countries, and of administering Church missions in territories where there is no properly organized hierarchy.

By definition, no. Propaganda is the dissemination of the Bible. The Bible is the information being disseminated. The difference being the Bible is Truth, the book against it is a systematic propogation/cause against something, not advocating anything but denying something else.
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"Study: Youth see Christians as judgmental, anti-gay

Majorities of young people in America describe modern-day Christianity as judgmental, hypocritical and anti-gay. What's more, many Christians don't even want to call themselves "Christian" because of the baggage that accompanies the label.

A new book based on research by the California-based research firm The Barna Group found that church attitudes about people in general and gays in particular are driving a negative image of the Christian faith among people ages 16-29."

Study: Youth see Christians as judgmental, anti-gay -
Judgemental? I don't remember alot from the Bible, but I do remember one thing that most Catholics/Christians go by, "Judge not lest ye be judged more harshly." Maybe not an exact quote, but it's close.


Judgemental? I don't remember alot from the Bible, but I do remember one thing that most Catholics/Christians go by, "Judge not lest ye be judged more harshly." Maybe not an exact quote, but it's close.

Milo 5:24:
Judge not thou who livest in glass houses, lest thou be stoned thyself.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Just fulfillment of Bible prophesy.

The great apostasy has to happen before Jesus returns. People will not believe and those that call themselves Christians will abandon the faith. It has to happen.

This should be a wake up call, but it won't be.


New Member
"and those that call themselves Christians will abandon the faith"

Where does this come from? Not that I disagree, but are you saying it's from Scripture?


New Member
Matthew 24 v 10:howdy:

Hey Italian,
I just read the chapter, and I've got a couple of questions for you. Vs. 10 says they will betray and hate one another, but it does not say they will betray Christ. Now, IMO, you cannot do one without doing the other, at least on some level. Scripture does say that whoever hates his brother also hates the Lord (paraphrase), but I don't see the definitive statement 2A made about those who call themselves Christians abandoning the faith. Now, as a Catholic, I happen to agree that indeed there are those who will abandon the Lord, and it takes the perseverance mentioned in vs. 13 to be saved. This is why I reject the assurance of salvation and once saved always saved, because I cannot know the future. It is my fervent prayer that I never forget that God has all things in His hands, even the calamities contained in this chapter.
But how does this go along with the assurance of salvation you have? Vs. 10 says many will be led into sin; presumably these are Christians because anyone else at the time had no sense/concept of actual sin. Vs. 11 "the love of many will grow cold". Do you agree that this is the love someone had for Christ? That's what I think they're talking about, and I'd like to hear what you have as a take on this.


Harley Rider
Hey Italian,
I just read the chapter, and I've got a couple of questions for you. Vs. 10 says they will betray and hate one another, but it does not say they will betray Christ. I don't see the definitive statement 2A made about those who call themselves Christians abandoning the faith. Now, as a Catholic, I happen to agree that indeed there are those who will abandon the Lord, and it takes the perseverance mentioned in vs. 13 to be saved. This is why I reject the assurance of salvation and once saved always saved, because I cannot know the future. But how does this go along with the assurance of salvation you have? Vs. 10says many will be led into sin; presumably these are Christians because anyone else at the time had no sense/concept of actual sin. Vs.11 "the love of many will grow cold". Do you agree that this is the love someone had for Christ? That's what I think they're talking about, and I'd like to hear what you have as a take on this.
Remember, they aren't Christians unless they are TRULY saved (name in the Book of life). These folks aren't saved, they're just "trying it on" as Judas did. So for them to abandon the faith,(yes faith in Christ) means that they weren't TRULY saved (again 1 John 2 v 19). Read the sower & the seed parable where some heard and accepted the gospel but then fell away when "things" caused them to. God knows everyone who will be saved and those who won't. Why wouldn't God let someone "try on" or "taste the heavenly gift" (Heb 6v4) and then let them walk away if THEY want to? (Free will). He knows they won't get saved so did He make a mistake? Of course not, but He has now made them accountable. That's the biggest thing that God has to do to the unbeliever or else He can't rightly send them to Hell. And, yes, I agree that this "love" spoken of here is love for Christ and others too. 1 Timothy 4 v 1 is another verse about this. Hope it helps.
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New Member
Remember, they aren't Christians unless they are TRULY saved (name in the Book of life). These folks aren't saved, they're just "trying it on" as Judas did. So for them to abandon the faith,(yes faith in Christ) means that they weren't TRULY saved (again 1 John 2 v 19). Read the sower & the seed parable where some heard and accepted the gospel but then fell away when "things" caused them to. God knows everyone who will be saved and those who won't. Why wouldn't God let someone "try on" or "taste the heavenly gift" (Heb 6v4) and then let them walk away if THEY want to? (Free will). He knows they won't get saved so did He make a mistake? Of course not, but He has now made them accountable. That's the biggest thing that God has to do to the unbeliever or else He can't rightly send them to Hell. And, yes, I agree that this "love" spoken of here is love for Christ and others too. 1 Timothy 4 v 1 is another verse about this. Hope it helps.

Great, this all makes sense, except the part where you, or 2A, or Starman can be assured that you are saved! How do you know that you are not someone just tasting the gift? You may have all the conviction in the world until Satan (who is far smarter than us) uses that one thing that will crush you.
Somehow I cannot bridge this gap in my mind. Isn't it rather presumptuous to think that nothing can shake your faith? I mean this with all due respect, so don't think I'm baiting you. It's just that I love Jesus Christ with all my heart, too, but loving Him involves some tough decisions sometimes. Imagine if we were overtaken by Muslim terrorists. If they had my children, torturing, raping, killing them in front of my eyes, telling me all I had to do to stop their pain is deny Jesus Christ. Would I have the strength to say, "God's Will be done"? I pray that I would.
What if I found myself in a concentration camp 60-70 years ago. Months and years of torture and hunger, etc. Could I keep on going? I have to say, I don't know, and don't think any of us can say that we really do know.
Perhaps, as a woman and a mother, I have a different reaction to these scenarios than a man would. When I see news stories of horrid crimes, when I am reminded of the Christians in the Colosseum (sp?) etc.
Well, I could go on and on, but the hour grows late...


Harley Rider
Great, this all makes sense, except the part where you, or 2A, or Starman can be assured that you are saved! How do you know that you are not someone just tasting the gift? You may have all the conviction in the world until Satan (who is far smarter than us) uses that one thing that will crush you. Somehow I cannot bridge this gap in my mind. Isn't it rather presumptuous to think that nothing can shake your faith? I mean this with all due respect, so don't think I'm baiting you. It's just that I love Jesus Christ with all my heart, too, but loving Him involves some tough decisions sometimes. Imagine if we were overtaken by Muslim terrorists. If they had my children, torturing, raping, killing them in front of my eyes, telling me all I had to do to stop their pain is deny Jesus Christ. Would I have the strength to say, "God's Will be done"? I pray that I would. What if I found myself in a concentration camp 60-70 years ago. Months and years of torture and hunger, etc. Could I keep on going? I have to say, I don't know, and don't think any of us can say that we really do know. Perhaps, as a woman and a mother, I have a different reaction to these scenarios than a man would. When I see news stories of horrid crimes, when I am reminded of the Christians in the Colosseum (sp?) etc.
Well, I could go on and on, but the hour grows late...
I think we're getting off track on this post but, Libby, your mind is going to drive you nuts. You need this :huggy:
Anything is possible. Anyones faith could be shaken but that's why God & Paul say to GROW & LIVE in Christ so that our faith won't be shaken. I think you're married so, do you sometimes feel that you don't love your husband? I think every woman does at times, but does that make you not his wife? No. There are days when I am furious at God. Yes really! I have my bad days. This doesn't make me NOT a Christian though. I don't get unsaved when I sin and then resaved when I confess. The kicker for me is that I have read & studied the Bible soooo much that I can't find anything that would cause me to put faith in anything (anyone) else so I am eternally secure with my faith in this God. Why shouldn't I feel that I am never going to be lost? There are so many verses teaching this so why shouldn't I believe them? Sure, I've thought about what I would do if a terrorist held a sword to my throat and said acknowledge allah or die. And I'd say; Lord Jesus, here I come! Why throw a life away on a last minute lie? In 2 seconds it's all over and you'll meet Jesus. How sweet is that? I can be presumptuous in this knowing how God changed my heart & mind, which then caused a lifestyle change. Plus John said "I write this so that you MAY KNOW THAT you have eternal life". He didn't say to hope that you do. You must believe that Bible with all your heart & mind to have this peace. Try these verses. They've really helped me. (Romans 8v29,30) (Ephesians 1v 4,13 & 14, Ephesians 4v30) (1 Peter 1 v 4,5,23) (1 John 5v13). :flowers:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
"and those that call themselves Christians will abandon the faith"

Where does this come from? Not that I disagree, but are you saying it's from Scripture?

Late to the party, but Matthew 24:10 is one of the verses.
1 Timothy 4:1-5
1But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,

2by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,

3men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.

4For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude;

5for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.
Seems pretty plain to me.
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