Youth Soccer

North or South League? Do a forum 'search' on key word 'soccer' and I believe you will find links to each league in the threads.


If you're looking for the Northern Soccer League, the website is SMNSL and their spring registration is on 2/2, 2/9 and 2/16 at both the Leonardtown VFD and Mechanicsville VFD


New Member
Girls Only Recreational Teams

Are there any "girls only" youth recreational soccer teams in St. Mary's County or anywhere in Southern Maryland? My daughter enjoys soccer but really doesn't want to continue playing on a coed team.

I know that there are girls teams in select/travel soccer and some limited opportunities for girls teams in RecPlus soccer but I can't seem to find anything for her on the recreational side. She's really not ready for or interested in RecPlus or Select/Travel soccer at this time.

When we lived in the Fort Worth, Texas area all the youth leagues around the area offered coed soccer until about the U-8 level and then girls were given the choice between coed or girls teams. I don't think this would be impossible in our area.

I've talked to other parents who seem to agree that there is definitely a need for "girls only" recreational soccer teams but nobody seems to think it's offered in our area. If it's not offered, the existing leagues should look into forming a "girls only" division within their recreational program or maybe someone should try to form a "girls only" recreational soccer league.


Free Rent
If you're looking for a 3-team division, sure. There is not enough interest in the area to create girls-only teams (exceptions: WAGS and BBSL). Perhaps try the rec program again or email an age group coordinator.
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Thats how them b*tch's R
Parks and Rec doesn't do girl only or boy only until after the age of 8 or 9. My daughter is 8 and hers is co-ed.


New Member
I know its charles county, but SMYO used to have girls only soccer teams, you could call them and see if they still do. Southern Maryland Youth Org.


New Member
Girls Soccer

Thanks for the information. Since I posted I did a little further research and it looks like there are several youth soccer leagues in Charles County and at least one league in Calvert County that offer girls the choice between playing on a coed or girls recreational soccer team. Unfortunately, I live in Southern St. Mary's so it would be difficult (but not impossible) to join one of the leagues in Charles or Calvert and then also make it to practices regularly.

For some reason none of the youth soccer leagues in St. Mary's County offer girls the same choice that seems to be offered everywhere else. I can't imagine that the demographics in St. Mary's are that different from Charles and Calvert (and other places around the country). I think it's time for the soccer leagues in St. Mary's to get with the program and offer girls (and their parents) a choice between coed and girls teams at the recreational level. I'd be willing to bet that they're losing a lot of girls from soccer by not offering girls the chance to play on a girls only team.


New Member
I think it's time for the soccer leagues in St. Mary's to get with the program and offer girls (and their parents) a choice between coed and girls teams at the recreational level. I'd be willing to bet that they're losing a lot of girls from soccer by not offering girls the chance to play on a girls only team.

Playing co-ed helps the young ladies get stronger and better. IMO


Free Rent
SoccerFan, I am very close with the SMYS board. I will bring up your concern with them for future consideration.


New Member
Recreational Soccer for Girls

If you're looking for a 3-team division, sure. There is not enough interest in the area to create girls-only teams (exceptions: WAGS and BBSL). Perhaps try the rec program again or email an age group coordinator.

Actually, I was talking about rec soccer. I know there are plenty of girls teams in travel/select soccer (BBSL and WAGS). I also know that this past season the RecPlus partnership between several leagues in all three Southern Maryland counties formed girls teams in some of the age groups. Again, these are not what I'm talking about and I disagree that you'd be left with a three team division, especially in the fall when there aren't a lot of other athletic choices for girls.

I'm talking about simple rec soccer. I've since done some further research and found that leagues in both Charles and Calvert County either offer girls the coed/girls team choice right from the start or by no later than the U-9 level. This isn't offered by either of the outdoor leagues in St. Mary's. Of course, I live in St. Mary's. I can't imagine that the demographics in St. Mary's are that different from Charles, Calvert, and other locations around the country.

Both of my sons play soccer and my eldest plays travel/select & high school soccer and is in the process of trying to decide which one of the colleges that are recruiting him he wants to play for next year. Because my boys are involved I've been around the youth game for about 14 years so I'm more than familiar with the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I've also coached on and off for a number of years and I can tell you that unfortunately coed teams tend to be dominated by the boys unless the girls are exceptional players. This is true no matter what age the players are. As a coach I always went to great lengths to balance playing time and attention between players of both sexes but despite all my efforts the boys still tended to dominate. This is why many leagues offer girls at a fairly young age the choice between playing on a coed team or on a girls team. This also helps to further develop the sport among girls in the area they serve. Unfortunately, the leagues in St. Mary's haven't figured that out. Hopefully things change soon or someone decides to form the Girls Soccer League of St. Mary's County.


New Member
Give Girls The Choice

Playing co-ed helps the young ladies get stronger and better. IMO

I don't disagree with that at all. As a coach I've actually seen it happen but the truth is in the "coed only" approach the stronger girls will get stronger and the weaker girls leave the sport --- probably forever. The girls (and their parents) should always have the choice between playing on a coed team or a girls team --- and the choice to switch as early as the next season if they want more of a challenge or feel overwhelmed.

As a coach for one of my son's former teams I regularly invited strong players from the girls teams in our age group to guest on our team at tournaments. As a matter of fact, I had some of the girls seriously consider changing to my team to help further their development. I've advised parents of female players who are looking for a greater challenge for their daughter to either have them "play up" or consider switching to a coed or boys team and I'd continue to give that advice.

The truth is, however, that in terms of player development you just can't assume all players are equal. Boys and girls are different and the approach to their player development has to also be different. I've seen too many rec coaches who favor their best players which hurt the weaker players (boys and girls alike). Unfortunately, with the "coed only" approach what you'll see is shrinking numbers of girls playing and enjoying the game. If I was in the leadership of WPS (Women's Professional Soccer) I'd be very concerned about anything that could cause participation or interest in soccer to shrink among girls.

I've coached boys teams and have two sons who still play and very much enjoy the game. My daughter, however, has indicated she wants to play soccer but only on a girls team. She isn't ready for or interested in travel/select or RecPlus soccer at this time so unless something changes in St. Mary's County I guess that means she just doesn't play. My daughter is basically a normal kid so I can't imagine she's the only little girl that feels this way. For her sake I hope things change.


New Member
SoccerFan, I am very close with the SMYS board. I will bring up your concern with them for future consideration.

Thank you.

Hopefully the folks with St. Mary's Northern Soccer League are also reading this because girls teams shouldn't just be limited to the southern half of the county. While I live in the southern half of the county I've taken up my daughter's "cause" as one for all girls in the county.


Well-Known Member
Thank you.

Hopefully the folks with St. Mary's Northern Soccer League are also reading this because girls teams shouldn't just be limited to the southern half of the county. While I live in the southern half of the county I've taken up my daughter's "cause" as one for all girls in the county.

I know folks with the Northern League have been reading this thread. I have followed the NSL for many years as my 2 sons played from the time they were 5 and 6 till they were 16 or so. Now Im following the grandkids in the NSL, will have 3 playing this spring from 4yr to 13.. Over the years the boys have always seemed to out number the girls. I have seen some really excellent girls over the years on the coed teams that my son has coached in Rec/Plus, some have been together on the same team for several seasons and through several age groups. To my knowledge NSL only has one team that it all girls that plays in Rec/Plus, and I believe they are the only team in St. Marys like that, and they play all their games against all girl teams from Calvert. My grandaughter to be able to play on a all girls team is a member of a WAGS team from out of Lexington Park and Oh do they have to travel to get to some of their games.
I'll tell you what in 2-3 years Choptican High is going to have one heck of a excellent girls soccer team, there is some really good talented girls coming up.
Ive always followed soccer and loved playing it, guest it was in my blood, unfortunately Im so old :killingme we didnt have soccer as a high school sport only in gym class no league play like today. My father came from England and played till he was nearly 55 years old on teams around the Washington DC area, I was always going to a soccer game on Sundays as a little kid. Very competitive league many teams of many nationalitlies, it was so big back in 50's and 60's they had there own area in the sports pages of the Washington Post on Monday morning with scores and recaps of the games. Proably not too many people on these boards can remember that. :buddies: