Youth TACKLE Football



What I really dont get is parents sign their kids up for TACKLE Football and the kids cant handle being TACKLED. My son is playing tackle football and has these kids on his team that cries and complains when it comes to getting tackled. Well what in the heck did these kids think was going to happen when they play. So parents with kids that have this issue tell your kids to either get over this or pull your kids off the team. They are really going to be shocked when they play another team and a kid a tad bigger levels them out. You need to releaze the kid is hurting the team!!!!!


New Member
Actually those parents would rather sit on the sidelines talking about other stuff, completely oblivious to their kids shortcomings and then laugh when little "jmmie" does something like pick grass in the field because it's cute. Believe me, it doesn't happen in just football, parents think it's cute and funny when their kid runs the wrong way and scores on their OWN TEAM in soccer. SMH


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Man, some of you parents are WAY too involved in your kids' activities.

It's friggin' little kid sports, for god's sake.


New Member
Are you out of your mind?????

Man, some of you parents are WAY too involved in your kids' activities.

It's friggin' little kid sports, for god's sake.

Some kids really want to be there and put 101% into playing the sport... out of my 4 boys, all of which have played sports... only 1 is the ESPN freak child... and he loves to play no matter the sport, the size of the kids... he loves it...

There is nothing worse than seeing the defeat in a childs eyes when they lose a game, especially when they know they had a chance of winning... same goes for the "equal playing time" rules imposed now in most sports, you have to play someone who doesn't come to practices as much as someone who does.... and how do you explain to a child that he has to sit on the sideline when he gives all he can, and watch someone else go in and play his position - and pick grass or stare into space... its not fair to the players who want to be there... it doesn't encorage the grass pickers any... all it does is hurt the kids who do give it all... I honestly think its terrible... what does that teach a child? In life if you don't try you'll get it all handed to you... and if you try your hardest... the other kid gets it anyway... just for showing up... that's not a good message either???????

If your kid doesn't want to play, don't force them, there are tons of other activities for them... if they do want to play - get out and help them get better so they can deserve the position they get on the feild... don't just expect them to play cause you showed up - teach them to work for it, and I'd bet they'd appreciate it all the more in the end!!! :diva:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
That is...

Some kids really want to be there and put 101% into playing the sport... out of my 4 boys, all of which have played sports... only 1 is the ESPN freak child... and he loves to play no matter the sport, the size of the kids... he loves it...

There is nothing worse than seeing the defeat in a childs eyes when they lose a game, especially when they know they had a chance of winning... same goes for the "equal playing time" rules imposed now in most sports, you have to play someone who doesn't come to practices as much as someone who does.... and how do you explain to a child that he has to sit on the sideline when he gives all he can, and watch someone else go in and play his position - and pick grass or stare into space... its not fair to the players who want to be there... it doesn't encorage the grass pickers any... all it does is hurt the kids who do give it all... I honestly think its terrible... what does that teach a child? In life if you don't try you'll get it all handed to you... and if you try your hardest... the other kid gets it anyway... just for showing up... that's not a good message either???????

If your kid doesn't want to play, don't force them, there are tons of other activities for them... if they do want to play - get out and help them get better so they can deserve the position they get on the feild... don't just expect them to play cause you showed up - teach them to work for it, and I'd bet they'd appreciate it all the more in the end!!! :diva:

...just sad that the worst thing you can think of is your kid facing defeat. In a game. If you hardcore parents had your way, there would be three teams in each league. With 6 kids on a team. And 12 people watching from each sideline. No posers, grass pickers or just wanted to play and see what it's like need apply.

Is that what an adult does, spend all their time teaching lil' Johnny? Forget the house, groceries, bills, some time for yourself; gotta get out their with the kids and teach them to be WINNERS!

Good Lord.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
what does that teach a child?

It teaches them that there are other people in the world besides them, and they will be required to interact with them at work and in social situations, whether they like it or not. Best they learn it now because some of these kids are going to be in for a rude awakening when they grow up.


New Member
It teaches them that there are other people in the world besides them, and they will be required to interact with them at work and in social situations, whether they like it or not. Best they learn it now because some of these kids are going to be in for a rude awakening when they grow up.



New Member
I'm far from a hardcore parent... but I do think that sometimes its just not right to penalize the ones who try as hard as they can... and trust me... I've been a parent who watched my son do backflips in the outfield or picked grass during practices... but I never stalked the coaches and demanded that my son be the starting star on the team... I understood that he was playing just to try it out... I'm talking about the parents who stalk coaches about why isn't my kid given the best position... type parents... I accepted a long time ago that my one son is as athletic as I am... which is not at all... but he still tried, and when he wanted to pick grass and stick his head in the holes of the soccer goal nets, I didn't push his coach for more playing time or why he wasn't the team star... I just went with it... was that unrealistic? I didn't think so and neither did he? Gheez louise... I'm far from and psychotic parent, I cheer equally for all the kids... regardless of how they play, and am always positive and tell them how great they are... always have and always will...