You've Got Mail..and maybe gonorrhea!


New Member
I saw this on CBC last night. I laughed SOOooo hard, at the thought of how many people I'd love to send one of these to. :lol:


100% Goapele Head!
appyday said:
I sent it to 3 people...crabs and scabies...:skiniscrawling:

The sad thought is that the people who SHOULD be sending these probably won't. AIDS, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis, are all incurable. It really isn't a joke.

Please forgive me if I seem so serious, I really was shocked at the information I heard on Aids Day earlier this month. In DC alone they say 1 in 20 people have AIDS or HIV and 1 in 7 men. And this is only of the ones that were tested. It's totally out of control. In FL grandma and grandpa are getting HIV and our young people who are sleeping with older men (sugar daddies, father figures) are getting HIV. Did anyone hear on the news about the teen that got HIV from a older dude who use to go with her on her school trips and give her money etc. She says he was nice and she would not have expected that. How naive is that? It's a sick world and it's getting sicker. :shakinghead:


New Member
I agree it's a very serious issue, and I wish more people were educated and would stay safe.
