Yuck - what a sicko


Occasional User
Child porn is bad enough, but his own granddaughter?? :barf:

Grandfather Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Jun 9, 1:12 PM (ET)


MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) - A man was arrested on child porn charges after he brought sexually explicit pictures of his 2-year-old granddaughter to a drug store photo shop and a clerk who was stunned to see the images notified authorities, police said.

Fearing the girl was in danger and not knowing her identity, police released photos of the toddler. Her father saw the pictures Wednesday on national television and called authorities, according to an affidavit filed in Manchester District Court.

The girl and her family live in Florida. The grandfather, Richard Hawes, 63, lives in New Hampshire and apparently had visited the family in Florida about four to six weeks ago. During a police interview, Richard Hawes said he had taken sexually explicit photos of his granddaughter with his digital camera, the affidavit said.

Richard Hawes' bail was set at $200,000.

The girl was being cared for by authorities in Florida early Thursday.

I'm not sure I agree with her being removed from the home, though, since he doesn't live with them.


The only problem is if they are really sexually explicit or not. I have heard stories of parents being arrested for taking pictures of their toddlers playing naked in a bath and such. If they were sexually explicit then crush him with the book of law, if it is just a proud grandpa taking as many pictures of his new grandkid as he can get, and some were cutsie pictures of the kid running around in their birthday suit the charges are ridiculous.


Thats Welsh for fox.
suzeQ said:
I'm not sure I agree with her being removed from the home, though, since he doesn't live with them.

There must be much more to ther story than their telling.


New Member
Maybe I just didn't read the article thoroughly enough. Why was she taken out of her home - where the creep doesn't reside?


Lovin' being Texican
ocean733 said:
Maybe I just didn't read the article thoroughly enough. Why was she taken out of her home - where the creep doesn't reside?

The 'WHY?' is easy to answer. This child resides in the state of Florida. Florida, nationally famous for notorious disregard for children at risk. Florida, where children placed in foster homes are starved to near-death. Florida, where child protective services case-workers pencil-whip home visits to ensure the children under their suprvision are being well cared for.

This is obviously child protective services over-reacting to avoid poor national press (Fat Chance). Can you say Elian Gonzalez (or however that's spelled)?
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