Zack Bell, tough SOB...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Zack, leading his heat race, running away with it, makes a mistake, clips his foot, and has a horrifying crash. The heat is red flagged.

Then, he saddles back up, yes he did, for the LCQ and grabs second, making the main, crashing again and ending his night.



New Member
I watched the race. Tough, yes. Smart? Not sure.

I thought he was knocked out...assumed he had a concussion.

No way he would have returned to a football game after lying motionless like he did.

I wonder if his parents were there and what their thoughts were?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I watched the race. Tough, yes. Smart? Not sure.

I thought he was knocked out...assumed he had a concussion.

No way he would have returned to a football game after lying motionless like he did.

I wonder if his parents were there and what their thoughts were?

That's a good question. I don't know if he was out or if he was just trying to feel his toes and fingers for a moment, wondering if he was alive. You saw his interview after taking second in his LCQ? Seemed awful lucid to me for a concussion.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He really impressed me. He still has to work out his jitters and run clean though.

It's almost like he's too light. That foot drag, man, I can't see that sending other guys flying like it did him and later, I think in the main, he started getting a little tossed around in the saddle. Not enough ass to keep that boy centered over the bike!