The West’s “long Ukraine” leveraged bet is facing another margin call and demanding additional collateral. On top of tens of billions already spent on protecting the position, hundreds of billions more will need to be injected into the Ukrainian government in perpetuity in order to avoid total liquidation, which would present itself through the loss of western control over Kiev. With over one hundred billion dollars already allocated to the country, the Ukrainian government is again in dire economic straits, while piling up major losses on the battlefield.
The Zelensky regime has an easy solution: more money, and fast. Far from looking out for the interests of the Ukrainian people, the people in charge of Kiev would prefer to keep their seat of power, even if it apparently means having their armies fight to the very last man.
Zelensky and his friends in government have placed a major price tag on rebuilding Ukraine. Speaking at a European conference this week, the country’s prime minister said Ukraine will need at least $750 billion in cold hard cash to rebuild.
Umm Not No, But ****ing Hell NO
The Zelensky regime has an easy solution: more money, and fast. Far from looking out for the interests of the Ukrainian people, the people in charge of Kiev would prefer to keep their seat of power, even if it apparently means having their armies fight to the very last man.
Zelensky and his friends in government have placed a major price tag on rebuilding Ukraine. Speaking at a European conference this week, the country’s prime minister said Ukraine will need at least $750 billion in cold hard cash to rebuild.
Margin Call: Zelensky demands another $750 billion
The leveraged bet on Ukraine faces liquidation.
Umm Not No, But ****ing Hell NO