daisycreek said:
could someone out there who understands all the mumbo jumbo in the zoning laws please give me a basic primer... like
zoned RPD- ( 1 acre) can ya build on it or not?
and which of the others are you allowed to build on?
I found the web site with all the rules however the pdf file is like 500 pages and I am on dial up.... by the time it loads the lot will be sold
Looks like you can...
"Land zoned RPD which is designated as a Rural Legacy Area by the Maryland Rural Legacy Board shall not be developed to a density greater than one (1) dwelling unit per five (5) acres of gross area."
St. Mary’s County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance:
31.1. Purpose of the Rural Preservation District (RPD).
The regulations of Rural Preservation Districts are intended to foster agricultural, forestry, mineral resource extraction, and aquacultural uses and protect the land base necessary to support these activities. Low density residential development in this type of district is permitted subject to performance standards that maintain the rural character of the district in recognition of the fact that a full range of public facilities is not provided or planned. The farmer has the right to farm without being restricted by neighboring residential areas. Restricted hours of operation for farm equipment, restricted odor-producing fertilizers, or mandatory noise reductions may not be imposed on farmers in an RPD zoning district. The general intent of the district is to encourage farming without undue burden on the landowner. In accordance with these intentions, the following provisions for the protection of agricultural uses will apply:
(1) Any farm use of land is permitted.
(2) Operation, at any time, of machinery used in farm production or the primary processing of agricultural products is permitted.
(3) Normal agricultural activities and operations in accordance with good husbandry practices, which do not cause bodily injury or directly endanger human health, are permitted and preferred activities, including activities that may produce normal agriculture related noise and odors.
(4) The sale of farm products produced on the farm where the sales are made is permitted.
31.2. Purpose of the Rural Service Center District (RSC).
The regulations for the Rural Service Center district provide for crossroads commercial, retail, and business development at designated locations within the County that have traditionally provided very localized services to support agricultural activity and serve rural residents. The RSC designation provides sites for infill development at commercial nodes in the rural areas, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mapped locations are at crossroads in Avenue, Budds Creek, Dameron, Helen, Oraville, Park Hall, and St. James.
31.3. Purpose of the Rural Limited Commercial District (RCL).
The regulations for the Rural Commercial Limited District accommodate existing, small-scale commercial uses serving localized markets in the County that are scattered along the highways and, in some cases,
clustered at intersections. Where such existing uses are compatible in scale with the character of the rural area, and are devoted to a local mark, their continued operation and opportunity for reasonable expansion is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. RCL districts provide for the continuation and limited expansion of such uses.
31.4. Purpose of the Residential, Low-Density District (RL). The regulations for the Residential Low-Density District are intended to provide for low to medium density residential development in areas designated in the Comprehensive Plan. Compatible institutional uses are allowed, subject to appropriate standards.
31.5. Purpose of the Residential, High-Density District (RH).
The regulations for the Residential High-Density district are intended to provide opportunities for high11
density residential development, accessory uses and higher intensity residential services such as day care. Standards promote clustered development while providing additional open space areas for common use by local residents and the adjacent community.
31.6. Purpose of the Residential Neighborhood Conservation District (RNC).
The regulations for the Residential Neighborhood Conservation District are intended to preserve the character of established neighborhoods while providing opportunities for infill development that is consistent with and enhances this prevailing character. All other standards having been met, RNC lots in growth areas may be resubdivided to the base density of the RNC. TDRs may be used to increase density in growth areas. No resubdivision of any lot of record shall be permitted in an RNC outside growth area.
31.7. Purpose of the Residential Mixed Use District (RMX).
The regulations for the Residential Mixed Use District provide opportunities for residential, office, personal, and business development and services subject to standards that will ensure land use compatibility with adjacent residential areas.
31.8. Purpose of the Village Center Mixed Use District (VMX).
The regulations for the Village Center Mixed Use District provide opportunities for residential development and compatible commercial development at locations and at a scale designated by the Comprehensive Plan as village centers. This type of district is not intended to create an urban character.
31.9. Purpose of the Town Center Mixed Use District (TMX).
The regulations for the Town Center Mixed Use District provide opportunities for residential and commercial development within town centers, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Standards are intended to create an urban character and make the core area safe, pedestrian friendly, and visually attractive.
31.10. Purpose of the Downtown Core Mixed Use District (DMX).
The regulations for the Downtown Core Mixed Use District provide sites for a broad range of uses within the core of Lexington Park, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Lexington Park Plan. Standards are intended to create an urban character, make the core area safe, pedestrian friendly and visually attractive.
31.11. Purpose of the Corridor Mixed Use District (CMX).
The Corridor Mixed Use District provides sites for a broad range of uses within transportation corridors in growth areas, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Standards are intended to accommodate auto oriented uses but also create a viable, visually attractive environment.
31.12. Purpose of the Community Commercial District (CC).
The Community Commercial District provides for large-scale, and clustered commercial and retail businesses primarily intended to serve the needs of County residents, workers and visitors on lots where both public water and sewer services are provided.
31.13. Purpose o 1 f the Office and Business Park District (OBP).
The Office Business Park District provides sites for offices, research and development facilities, limited industrial facilities, and supporting commercial uses in a campus setting.
31.14. Purpose of the Industrial District (I).
The regulations for the Industrial District provide and protect sites for industrial use and office uses.
31.15. Purpose of the Commercial Marine District (CM).
The Commercial Marine District provides and protects shoreline sites for a full range of marine sales and services, including marinas, dry boat storage, boat-yards, boat and equipment sales and rentals, marine related retail sales, yacht clubs, visitor accommodations, food and beverage sales and eating and drinking establishments