Zorn update...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...please update me on the Zorn story and any interesting notes about how it played out.

I've been out of contact for a week!


Supper's Ready
Well, just announced this week the Skins hired Smith from the Titans as the O coordinator (hadn't seen anyone post it here so far). The way NFL.com wrote it, "He does not want to call the plays," Zorn said. "And I want to call the plays."


My Sweetest Boy
Story please!

It's old news and I'm worn out from the whole process. :lol:

In the news conference where Snyder introduced him, Zorn spoke of the "maroon and black." His HUGE faux pas came when he said how he was so touched by the 10 man defense in the Bills game. :lol: Not a good thing to say since Gibbs and Danny knew nothing of it and it was a point of contention.

He was very nervous but he seems enthused, genuine and he's not Fassel. Go over to Extreme Skins and read...IT's all there. :lol:


Larry, I have a feeling Snyder will let Zorn coach all next year and them let him go after the season, when makes a deal with a "big name" coach....Do you think I'm off base on this hunch ?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Larry, I have a feeling Snyder will let Zorn coach all next year and them let him go after the season, when makes a deal with a "big name" coach....Do you think I'm off base on this hunch ?

...knows with Snyder?

Joe Gibbs started off 0-5 his first time around here and finished 8-8. Would Snyder have fired him at 0-5? Would he have ever hired him in the first place? Was Joe's success all about him or the person he worked for and people he worked with? The latter is the clear answer.

I simply have no idea as to Snyder's goal for the team other than the obvious; he wants to be an intimate part of it. I think it's fair to say that that has been the only consistent, discernible pattern of his ownership and I think it's fair to say that as long as that is the primary goal, to be part of it, then building a winning football team is, obviously, secondary.

That doesn't mean it can't be done. It just means it's not the primary goal. Snyder's proven strength is in selling things and he does that fabulously with the team, so, it would seem reasonable that he is going to do whatever is dictated by sales as he sees it, including changing coaches next year.

Fans like staying the course when they think things are going in the right direction. Speaking only for myself, I thought Williams as head coach and Saunders as O coordinator, adding a wr or two and some help on d line plus avoiding the injury bug next year would have given OUR team a lot to look forward to.

It's not 'our' team.


New Member
Larry, I have a feeling Snyder will let Zorn coach all next year and them let him go after the season, when makes a deal with a "big name" coach....Do you think I'm off base on this hunch ?

Yes he'll fire him and go with whoever is hot next year.Let me ask you this ,with the interview process that just took place and all the coachs who ran from the job ..................would you come here if you were a big name coach,no.


Yes he'll fire him and go with whoever is hot next year.Let me ask you this ,with the interview process that just took place and all the coachs who ran from the job ..................would you come here if you were a big name coach,no.

I agree, but Snyder's money will convince someone.......?


Larry, I have a feeling Snyder will let Zorn coach all next year and them let him go after the season, when makes a deal with a "big name" coach....Do you think I'm off base on this hunch ?

Nope. I think this is right on with Snydietightiewhitie's hire/fire record.