Recent content by AmericanMom

  1. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    What an awesome concept. I wish I had seen that! I wouldn't say I'm a "hoarder" BUT I keep a lot of stuff. In my basement are rubbermaid tubs full of my past. Medals from Volksmarches, Postcards from Amsterdam, photo albums of a trip to Paris, journals from over 2 decades. I had someone...
  2. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    Both of my parents were military (actually met in School in Bilioxi sp??). Mom did the short career and dad did the long career.
  3. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    I was a Military Brat for 17 years. Or once you are a brat you're always a brat? :lol:
  4. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    Interesting and so true...
  5. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    Well I'm just hoping to find something... anything...
  6. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    Thanks so much!! :buddies:
  7. AmericanMom

    Psychology Study?

    I was just wondering if the news or scientists have conducted any studies regarding children in Military homes. Are children affected by moving from place to place every few years? Is there a higher rate of psychological disorders in these children than non military children? I've tried...
  8. AmericanMom

    Though I Would Ask AGAIN

    Your signature is ironic.
  9. AmericanMom

    Though I Would Ask AGAIN

  10. AmericanMom

    This hyphen American thing is out of hand

    I'm Female-American :lmao:
  11. AmericanMom

    Beware "Lifetime offender" bored at home

    Mines not in front of the bathroom mirror :popcorn:
  12. AmericanMom

    Barack Obama's Aunt is a Thief...

    I know the voting is held at my school. :yay: I just need to figure out how to register. But that's a ways off. I'm sure it's pretty simple when it's time.