Calvert Sheriff in the hot seat, again. Goon squads?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
My first thoughts about the guy's rant is that his statement about "everyone has guns" at the CCDC is false. The CO's don't carry. The ERT members are obviously armed. The van driver/escorts to and from the CCDC to the Courthouse are armed.

The "regular" CO's are not armed.

My 2nd thoughts about the guy's rant is that he ratcheted up his screed by "naming names". I think the legal ramifications of that are many and might not work out so well for him in the future.

...and that's all I got to say 'bout that.


It's becoming so easy these days to accuse cops of abuse that it's becoming impossible to know when the cops are legit or not. This is why dash and body cams are a must.

It seems to me there was some foul play on the part of the cops and Mr. Hall's. He was uncooperative by staying on the phone. The Sheriff's statement does stipulate they knew of the protective order made by his wife; who he was oddly on the phone with. Was he violating that order?

Here's where I see the cops getting into a lot of trouble. Mr. Hall states he has never smoked, used drugs, or drank. I tend to believe him. It's apparent the dog got it wrong. They allegedly tore his car apart only to find nothing. This must explained by the Sheriff's department. Was the dog not trained properly? Did the K-9 cop lead the dog improperly? in any case, they need to explain to us - the people - and to Mr. Hall how they got this wrong.

The question I have is, why did Mr. Hall go to social media to complain rather than a formal complaint to the county? I assume he plans to eventually launch a formal complaint; and I think in the instance of them tearing his car up looking for drugs, he will receive restitution for this. Cops can't just go around getting this sort of thing wrong.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
It's becoming so easy these days to accuse cops of abuse that it's becoming impossible to know when the cops are legit or not. This is why dash and body cams are a must.

It seems to me there was some foul play on the part of the cops and Mr. Hall's. He was uncooperative by staying on the phone. The Sheriff's statement does stipulate they knew of the protective order made by his wife; who he was oddly on the phone with. Was he violating that order?

Here's where I see the cops getting into a lot of trouble. Mr. Hall states he has never smoked, used drugs, or drank. I tend to believe him. It's apparent the dog got it wrong. They allegedly tore his car apart only to find nothing. This must explained by the Sheriff's department. Was the dog not trained properly? Did the K-9 cop lead the dog improperly? in any case, they need to explain to us - the people - and to Mr. Hall how they got this wrong.

The question I have is, why did Mr. Hall go to social media to complain rather than a formal complaint to the county? I assume he plans to eventually launch a formal complaint; and I think in the instance of them tearing his car up looking for drugs, he will receive restitution for this. Cops can't just go around getting this sort of thing wrong.

It seems to be a knee jerk response these days to share with the world and damn the consequences.

General Lee

Well-Known Member
Trained narcotics K-9's alert to the odor of narcotics (obviously). That odor can be residual odor, even weeks old. Odor in the upholstery , carpets etc. Just because nothing is found, doesn't mean the dog was wrong or there was never anything there.


Well-Known Member
I dunno this guy nor the true facts, but I sure don't trust a K-9 police dog sniffing in an ex police car.

I suspect some of his story is true, and he got "The treatment"

I have never liked the belief that if you don't want your car searched, that is reason enough to allow them to search it.


Well-Known Member
Trained narcotics K-9's alert to the odor of narcotics (obviously). That odor can be residual odor, even weeks old. Odor in the upholstery , carpets etc. Just because nothing is found, doesn't mean the dog was wrong or there was never anything there.

The man said he was driving an ex police car. I would say it isn't unusual for that car to have been used at one time to transport a dope user who had residual smell of dope on him. Perhaps they had even used the car at one time to train the dogs by placing dope in it.


Well-Known Member
They allegedly tore his car apart only to find nothing. This must explained by the Sheriff's department. Was the dog not trained properly? Did the K-9 cop lead the dog improperly? in any case, they need to explain to us - the people - and to Mr. Hall how they got this wrong.

I have a lawyer friend whose husband(straight arrow, no smoke, no drugs, no alcohol) was pulled over by one of Calvert's finest who insisted that he smelled pot. Had 3 guys ripping his car apart before the guy could contact his wife and the wife had Evans put a stop to it.

I am sure this guy's story is embellished a bit but I can see a lot of it as being truthful.

black dog

Free America
I'd li8ke to see some dash cam or personnel cam footage before I make a decision.

I'd like to see that myself, if the truly had him pulled over for 20-30 min or longer, that's way too long for a traffic stop.. They need to stop fishing with citizens..
Write the ticket and let them go...


Well-Known Member
I have a lawyer friend whose husband(straight arrow, no smoke, no drugs, no alcohol) was pulled over by one of Calvert's finest who insisted that he smelled pot. Had 3 guys ripping his car apart before the guy could contact his wife and the wife had Evans put a stop to it.

I am sure this guy's story is embellished a bit but I can see a lot of it as being truthful.

Who pays to put a man's car back together after these police officers rip it up and find nothing?

black dog

Free America
Trained narcotics K-9's alert to the odor of narcotics (obviously). That odor can be residual odor, even weeks old. Odor in the upholstery , carpets etc. Just because nothing is found, doesn't mean the dog was wrong or there was never anything there.

It also easily could mean that when the dog alerts the handler for narcotics he gets a doogie cookie... Once that is learned what do you think the dog is goin to do?
It's been proven many many times...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mr. Hall states he has never smoked, used drugs, or drank. I tend to believe him.

Why? He's lying about so many things, why wouldn't he lie about that as well?

The question I have is, why did Mr. Hall go to social media to complain rather than a formal complaint to the county?

Because that's what lying attention whores do - they post on social media and get the retards all in a spin. He can say anything he wants on social media with absolutely no proof to back it up. If he makes a formal complaint, he's going to have to put up.

The story this guy tells is so over the top absurd that it can't possibly be true, as he presents it. It's more race baiting cops are evil bull####. Again, there's no freaking way this story can be completely true.

black dog

Free America
It's such a normal practice with LE in today's world to hold you up for no reason whatsoever but to fish and see what can be found.
Just watch Cops and Live PD on TV and just sit back and watch folks civil rights get stomped on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's such a normal practice with LE in today's world to hold you up for no reason whatsoever but to fish and see what can be found.
Just watch Cops and Live PD on TV and just sit back and watch folks civil rights get stomped on.

And then there's the vid of that guy who got pulled over by Calvert's Finest for blowing a red light; had about 8 million priors, AND was driving on a suspended license. Cop gave him a ticket and sent him on his merry way.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have an idea for ending false accusations against police, especially when they take to social media instead of making a formal complaint:

If they post some story about cops on social media, or alert the press instead of filing a complaint, it gets investigated. If it turns out the person is lying, they get a bullet in the head, no trial, no nothing. Just bam.

Still want to bitch to the intardnet, friend, and rouse the rabble? Then you better make damn sure your story will hold up. We should do this with fake news reporters, too; if their story doesn't hold up, bam. Pretty sure that would put a stop to this nonsense.

black dog

Free America
I have an idea for ending false accusations against police, especially when they take to social media instead of making a formal complaint:

If they post some story about cops on social media, or alert the press instead of filing a complaint, it gets investigated. If it turns out the person is lying, they get a bullet in the head, no trial, no nothing. Just bam.

Still want to bitch to the intardnet, friend, and rouse the rabble? Then you better make damn sure your story will hold up. We should do this with fake news reporters, too; if their story doesn't hold up, bam. Pretty sure that would put a stop to this nonsense.

Was your Great Grandfather Judge Roy Bean? LOL. :lmao: