Admit it!


Resident PIA
Have you gone to the store to stock up on bread, milk and toilet paper yet? :lol:

No, never. I've been driving in winter for 40 years on snow and ice, real snow, not a dusting.
I have never had an accident, run off the road or any other mishap in foul weather - well came close once when I crested a hill, the road had all but been blown closed and was headed down towards a on lane bridge which was made of stone. I had no idea of where it was, had to use the snow bank to help slow the car and then aim for what i hoped with the dead center of the bridge.

That was with a front wheel drive car, not an all wheel drive truck. I figure worst case is stores will be closed for maybe a day, or two. I can survive that with what is in the house.
No reason to stock pile anything.