After the Ball–Why the Homosexual Movement Has Won


Well-Known Member

That was silly - you didn't say you had a link, or a single source....

The reason for my asking is the sudden uptick in reports of female teachers attacking students (male and female), and the concept of heterosexual men having sex with MALE children (as in, whether that particular flavor of pedophilia is actually heterosexual or homosexual, or is pedophilia a completely different category).

I'm not convinced pedophilia is predominantly heterosexual males. I'm convinced they've gotten most of the press and most of the punishment, but I'm not convinced they make up a statistically-disproportionate percentage of all pedophiles. The 12 year old boy who gets sex from his hot teacher is not likely to press charges due to social norms, but the genders reversed is likely to have the teacher go to jail - until very recently this has been the case.

Just making some educated SWAGs here, but I think it's a lot more even than you describe.