Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

Girl who warned teachers about trans female student, 13, with 'hit list' bravely calls them out as she reveals in horrifying detail how attacker beat her friend with a Stanley cup while screaming 'I'm gonna murder you'

The assailant was blunt enough to scream 'I'm gonna murder you!' repeatedly at the students.

The girl spoke about how she and two fellow students filled out paperwork explaining what they knew was going to happen if nothing was done and said that she was warned 'watch your back' at lunch.

A teacher responded to her: 'Don't worry about it, it's not gonna' happen.'

She added that once the attack began, it lasted 28 minutes, despite the school board claiming it was just eight minutes.

'We had to watch [the victim] taken out with blood dripping down her face and I will never forget that! Laying in bed last night I just kept repeating it in my head.'

Parents shared their own outrage with the school's inability to protect the student and how this has been a shocking trend at the school and with parents hearing from their kids and not the adults in charge.

Stephanie Pallica shockingly revealed that the principal of the school referred to what happened as 'a fight' in an email to parents.

'As a parent, your worst fear comes to life, when you get that call from your kid, crying, in school, 'Mom, help me, I'm scared, there's blood everywhere.' You can't get to them fast enough. And they hang up on you, because teachers and staff are yelling at them to hang up their phones,' she said.
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PREMO Member
The Left is dangerous. Especially when you question their narrative.

Meet Hilary Cass -- she's the author of the Cass Study, a 'landmark review' into the treatment of 'transgender' kids.

It's not safe for Cass to travel on public transport anymore, because she dared to report that the treatment gender confused kids received was built on 'shaky foundations' and found 'no good evidence to support the global clinical practice of prescribing hormones to under-18s to pause puberty or transition to the opposite sex.'

J.K. Rowling posted about Cass's ongoing issues with both threats and deliberate misinformation being spread about her report:



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
My ex used to call JLC a tranny.

When she stumbled at the Oscars, she uttered "Stupid ##### probably tripped over her Dick!"



PREMO Member

So is Scientific American supporting the idea that the doctor makes a guess as to the baby's sex and sometimes gets it wrong? Because that's oversimplifying scientific knowledge by a wide margin.

So, how many genders are there?

Many of the arguments against trans rights center on the idea that transness itself is not legitimate—that there are just two sexes, period. You describe this idea as “sex essentialism.” Can you explain that term, and talk about how it shapes the debate
Simón(e) Sun: Essentialism is the idea that you can take any phenomenon that is complex and distill it down to a particular set of traits. In the case of sex essentialism, the idea is that you can sufficiently describe sex by a few particular characteristics. In this debate, it used to be chromosomes, now it’s gametes (egg and sperm cells). The target is always moving, because if you want to make something binary, then you need to find the most binary characteristic. Today, sex essentialism boils all of sex down to the gametes that a person produces. Then you draw a line from gametes to all of these other characteristics—to sex roles, even to the personality of an entire individual. But biology is just not that simple. The sex essentialist perspective is completely wrong about the biology of how sex characteristics arise.

OK, then. One scientist says that biology is just not that simple.

Scientific American kicks off the piece by noting that "In 2023 alone, more than 500 anti-trans bills were proposed or adopted in nearly every state in the United States, targeting everything from drag performances to gender-affirming medical care to school inclusion policies for trans people."

Drag performances for children and gender-affirming medical care for children. Life-altering drugs and surgeries for kids is the only appropriate stance.



Well-Known Member
Don't mind the LGBs. The TQ+'s are the problem.

No one cares. Is that supposed to make those people feel better? The only difference is that the right has made those people scapegoats and told you to hate them. How many have you met in person and how have they hurt you?

It's like saying i don't mind mulatto's but blacks are the problem.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's like saying i don't mind mulatto's but blacks are the problem.


So the arbitrary catagory of race is now equal to behavior?

Are you saying Blacks and Mulattos "Act" a certain way that is inherent to their race?

Please, go on... :tap:


Well-Known Member
No one cares. Is that supposed to make those people feel better? The only difference is that the right has made those people scapegoats and told you to hate them. How many have you met in person and how have they hurt you?

It's like saying i don't mind mulatto's but blacks are the problem.
It would be more like saying I don't mind blacks, but trans-blacks like Rachel Dolezal are the problem.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
She did neither hair Dye or makeup.

Hormones do indeed change your sex as hormones are what help contribute to developing your sex.
Hormones WILL NOT change your sex.

Your SEX is determined in your DNA and that doesn't change, Sherlock.
