AncestryDNA testing

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Wasn't sure where to put this but this seems to be as good as any. :lol:

Not looking to get into a debate on whether anyone would do it, privacy concerns, etc. Just a discussion about what you have found about your family tree if you have had it done.

I order the test a couple of weeks ago via Amazon, spit into the tube as directed, and sent it back. It was received and processed in less than two weeks. I got my results yesterday and no big surprises except for the percentages:


I knew there was English, German, and Irish in my ancestry, but the surprise was so much of my roots are from Ireland/Scotland/Wales.

I also found out a forum member who doesn't post anymore but I am still friends with on Facebook is my 4th cousin. :lol:

My sister is also doing the test and awaiting for her results to see if they match, else the milkman has a lot of 'splaining to do. She has already reconnected with a long lost first cousin (only full cousin) on my dad's side and have learned some of his history.

Very cool stuff. :yay:


Power with Control
For me, there was about 3% West Asian, Arabs, Kurds, Persians, Azerbaijanis, Anatolian Turks are listed as the main ethnic groups in this category. Whats funny is that my father, during his time in the service, was called the Arab. And once years bck a doctor whose family is from Pakistan mentioned that my hair patterns were indicative of that area. No idea where from though. I'm only back to the 1850s in Tenn for certain on Dads side, with a possible linkage back to Fairfax in the 1760s.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
For me, there was about 3% West Asian, Arabs, Kurds, Persians, Azerbaijanis, Anatolian Turks are listed as the main ethnic groups in this category. Whats funny is that my father, during his time in the service, was called the Arab. And once years bck a doctor whose family is from Pakistan mentioned that my hair patterns were indicative of that area. No idea where from though. I'm only back to the 1850s in Tenn for certain on Dads side, with a possible linkage back to Fairfax in the 1760s.

Very interesting and how such a small percentage of some ethnic group can still show many generations later.

My first cousin on my mom's side (her mom and my mom were sisters) has done a lot of research on that side of the family so I know we trace back to families coming from England in the 1600s. My dad's side is more of a mystery. Much smaller family and nobody really around left to ask questions. I have gotten as far as many ancestors in the NYC area - Bronx, Long Island, and Manhattan - in the mid to late 1800s. Fascinating stuff. :yay:


professional daydreamer
I'm not one to go down the DNA path, but through research have learned a lot. I don't really feel the need for percentages, or to know that I might have 1% of some obscure nation of peoples. I have always been more interested in the "tree" aspect of my heritage, and that has been incredibly interesting.

That said, I'm always excited to see others get into their ancestry. It's fascinating stuff.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
My results were:

Barley Malt23.60%


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I don't really feel the need for percentages, or to know that I might have 1% of some obscure nation of peoples.

But with enough native American DNA, you can qualify for tribal membership and get some of those indian casino profits.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I don't' want to do it because they keep finding serial killers through these DNA family connections.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I'm not one to go down the DNA path, but through research have learned a lot. I don't really feel the need for percentages, or to know that I might have 1% of some obscure nation of peoples. I have always been more interested in the "tree" aspect of my heritage, and that has been incredibly interesting.

That said, I'm always excited to see others get into their ancestry. It's fascinating stuff.

The research is what I get really excited about. I love digging into things and connecting the dots. Making the connection and filling in the blanks. Finding out clues about who my ancestors were and what their lives were like. I figure this will keep me busy most of the colder months when I have more time to devote to it. :lol:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I don't' want to do it because they keep finding serial killers through these DNA family connections.

I can't remember the show, but it was about people finding out their relatives were serial killers. :jameo: