Another ... CRE Board meeting cancelled


New Member
When Items need to be voted on and meetings have been cancelled, there is an option of calling a special meeting. Special meetings are meant to conduct a meeting for one item of business that has time constraints or other issues needing immediate attention. However, in my opinion I would assume you could call a special meeting in this instance due to the lack of other meetings that were not able to be conducted due to lack of quorum or whatever other reason there may be....

I also remember when I could look out in the audience at 15-30 people which offered a lot more to the board, when the members were allowed to speak. I think this may be ONE of the reasons we have such low attendence. I'm not speaking of our current president because I have seen him give members the floor. I welcome most comments from the floor because some of you have ideas that board members hadn't thought of but really should consider..
From time to time, I have seen a member make a suggestion, and the board move in that direction.


Side stepping a direct question...more politics. Good job azzhat.


New Member
Article VI Section 3 Meetings:
Regular meetings are to be held the third Saturday of each month with exception to March, July, October and December which is the reason I said we should have had the meeting regardless. There is still a disconnect in communications within the board.... I am hoping that changes soon, Comparing previous boards I've sat on, I don't feel like I'm on the board until a meeting comes up. It's just really strange.

One meeting I remember, we did not have a quorum. A member suggested the committee reports and discussion so that we didn't feel like we wasted our time in coming. I thought it was a great idea and we continued the meeting. I think we finished up around 9:30 but I do remember it being one of the "best" meetings (We actually had fun!) I've been to.


So... if there is a violation of Bylaws by the Representatives of the Association, will they return our money?:coffee:


New Member
So why not still have the meeting? If the board is dis-satisfied with the president, why not remove him? Why is the board only meeting and communicating when there's a meeting? Aren't there liaisons to the committees? If not why ? Info can and should still be shared - I'm not being sarcastic here but if you don't really feel like a board member until you all sit and vote on something, why did you run for a position? I didn't think that was the only function of a board member. (Correct me if I'm wrong). I do realize that everyone has their own lives outside of the volunteer position and giving a good chunk of your time to meetings is a committment too. I'm sure the board works on other projects related to CRE, we just don't hear about them.

I say make a change in one way or another if it doesn't feel right to you. That change could be anything at all. One person does not dictate to all - Be heard or communicate back what you hear. Its one way to make a difference and we appreciate the information. Thanks!


Active Member
So why not still have the meeting? If the board is dis-satisfied with the president, why not remove him? Why is the board only meeting and communicating when there's a meeting? Aren't there liaisons to the committees? If not why ? Info can and should still be shared - I'm not being sarcastic here but if you don't really feel like a board member until you all sit and vote on something, why did you run for a position? I didn't think that was the only function of a board member. (Correct me if I'm wrong). I do realize that everyone has their own lives outside of the volunteer position and giving a good chunk of your time to meetings is a committment too. I'm sure the board works on other projects related to CRE, we just don't hear about them.

I say make a change in one way or another if it doesn't feel right to you. That change could be anything at all. One person does not dictate to all - Be heard or communicate back what you hear. Its one way to make a difference and we appreciate the information. Thanks!

It is difficult to provide information when there is nothing to provide.
You said "Info can and should still be shared ". I completely agree. As I stated earlier, this is the first board I have been on where communications are lacking... It is now September and most of you know more about what is going on then some of your own board members, including me.

I walked out of one meeting and came in and apologized to those that supported me. Since then we have only had one other meeting and the other two have been cancelled. Then with no executive or special sessions called I am thinking I may have to start going to committee meetings... At least I can get something to update you about. But I don't have the time any more than most of you do....

I have a set of minutes which provide what happened last year but I don't see how that is pertinent to today...and what is currently going on. It's pretty bad when a member approaches me at the local Food Lion and I can't answer a question... Ask me about the past, I can answer.. Ask me about today, I can't...



Active Member
Maybe it's time for a change. If the President seems hell bent on spending all our money on litigation and not on the membership's needs and on the amenities then it is time for a change. It seems that he does things unilaterally and without the approval of the board. THAT HAS TO STOP! If he has no use for the membership and continues to treat the membership like mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed %&$#%^#) then something must be done to protect the membership and not on litigation that has cost over 60k and could cost another 100k by the time we are done and that's if we WIN the lawsuit. What is the Board going to do?!?!?!?!?!?!?


New Member
Would a petition signed by hundreds of the members be suffiecient to remove King Eney from office?

It should, as long as the folks who sign it are "members in good standing", meaning they are paid up to date.

I'm concerned that the majority of the Board doesn't really understand the consequences of their actions or worse, they do and are ignoring their fiscal responsibility toward the corporation. Part of the reason they may not have thorough understanding is because the facts are withheld or not revealed. There are rumors that certain members of the BoD and the community are unconcerned about their spending because if it becomes bankrupt, it will force changes they feel are necessary. They sign a code of ethics and their roles are defined in the governing documents. Anyone, included the officers, who ignore what’s written in those documents deserve to be ousted.

This situation IMHO deserves some scrutiny. Does anyone else agree? There’s a facebook account called Residents of CRE. Join in the discussions!


New Member
It should, as long as the folks who sign it are "members in good standing", meaning they are paid up to date.

I'm concerned that the majority of the Board doesn't really understand the consequences of their actions or worse, they do and are ignoring their fiscal responsibility toward the corporation. Part of the reason they may not have thorough understanding is because the facts are withheld or not revealed. There are rumors that certain members of the BoD and the community are unconcerned about their spending because if it becomes bankrupt, it will force changes they feel are necessary. They sign a code of ethics and their roles are defined in the governing documents. Anyone, included the officers, who ignore what’s written in those documents deserve to be ousted.

This situation IMHO deserves some scrutiny. Does anyone else agree? There’s a facebook account called Residents of CRE. Join in the discussions!

Had heard along the lines of some BOD not concerned with going bankrupt...would offer an opportunity to re-write and pass a new set of convenants and bylaws and hope to delay the need for all owners (whether you paid up or are a member/owner of the common property) to vote. fees, new fee structures.


New Member
Is there enough interest in getting new covenants passed. That would clear up quite a few issues. It could possibly stop some litigation and make it right for all of the owners.

Maybe stop the whale litigation where it stands.

Is there really enough members that are ready to step up?


Active Member
Had heard along the lines of some BOD not concerned with going bankrupt...would offer an opportunity to re-write and pass a new set of convenants and bylaws and hope to delay the need for all owners (whether you paid up or are a member/owner of the common property) to vote. fees, new fee structures.

I had heard the same thing which was the reason I decided to run for the board... Don't know how true it is/was but I called Jennie and told her I would run with her. If this should happen, who would be in charge?

I don't see how going bankrupt would permit an opportunity to re-write anything considering we would be in receivership, I believe with the county...



New Member
I had heard the same thing which was the reason I decided to run for the board... Don't know how true it is/was but I called Jennie and told her I would run with her. If this should happen, who would be in charge?

I don't see how going bankrupt would permit an opportunity to re-write anything considering we would be in receivership, I believe with the county...


Might I suggest that in lieu of existing, and pending litigation against CRE, the membership would be better served with a petition that called for the immediate suspension of all litigation [as might be possible] and new elections.

Might I also suggest that we put this information in the newpaper [sometimes you have to let everyone know that there is dirty laundry to get the laundry cleaned] and post information for the signing of the petition.

I'm not interested in bankrupting the community. I am interested in turning the use of our funds around so that they can be utilized on the upkeep, maintenance, and upgrade of the property which we commonly own.

We have strayed from the original purpose of the association. The original people who financed the purchase of the property were not interested in maintaining the cliffs. They were interested in saving the bayfront beaches, the lake, the ball fields, the campgrounds, the buildings, stables, and the trails..... they lost the marina, the golf course, and other amenities.... they didn't want to loose any more..... that's where we are now.... do we want to continue down this road or do something about it.... It's a wonder there haven't been arrests for mismanagement of funds.

Perhaps, if we got wise and did something about the path we are on, we could do away with more litigation than the whale.....

You aren't going to be able to depend on the petition people of the past. They are not interested in saving the association they are currently running the association by committee....

You aren't going to be able to depend on most of those board members who were brought through in the last elections, because they are trying to save face.

June and Jackie have been strongly stating their dislike for the current actions. Jennie should have been elected, had the membership known the real truth of what was/is going on [but she didn't air the laundry stinking in the basket].

I didn't pay in my dues to see them flittered away in court. I wanted to have the beaches upgraded or at least maintained.

As for the Special Taxing District, I'm not happy about it when I have to pay out the $$$ on my two lots... the rest of the year I just pray for some progress for the money.

I know my road will never be paved with Special Taxing District money [or SHUR funding for that matter]. It concerns me that others who are in the same boat I am, don't know the boat has no possibility of going anywhere.


New Member
June and Jackie have been strongly stating their dislike for the current actions. Jennie should have been elected, had the membership known the real truth of what was/is going on [but she didn't air the laundry stinking in the basket].

Except for the fact that June is all for fighting the museum over the whale.
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New Member
Except for the fact that June is all for fighting the museum over the whale.

I don't understand what you are saying.... do you mean that June is for the whale litigation?

I know Jennie favored quashing the litigation.... I thought June ran with Jennie to help her...


Active Member
No one knows. These things are held tighter than the "football". You stand a better chance of seeing God at a meeting before they'll let any information escape to the great unwashed who live here. it's best to treat the members like mushrooms - keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em $#@$$$$$(*&&.


New Member
Removing Eney

Would a petition signed by hundreds of the members be suffiecient to remove King Eney from office?

I believe the other board members can vote to remove Eney... he is just ONE member of the board. I'd say there is cause given several issues including financial wrongdoing by spending money on the whale litigation that was not approved in the budget. He should be sued and made to pay it back to CRE... but other board members, if voting for the same, would be equally liable.

I'd come to the meetings but Eney might egg my house or file some fictitious law suit against me like he did against his own neighbor...... It's a bit scary. I would have run for office but I can't afford enough personal liability insurance.