Attention Bush-Haters


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hey, Trim - and this is a serious question. By your member name I'm assuming you probably vote Democrat, right? Who are you liking in 2004? I caught that it's probably not Bush :lol:

We already know that, unless he makes a serious mistake or that DWI comes back to haunt him, Bush will get the Republican nomination. Who do you think's the man for the Dems? I'm highly doubtful of Gore; Hillary Clinton won't be ready; Gephardt has been a toady for too long. You think maybe Daschle?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Missi :roflmao: And anyway, it's Sharpton this time around... :wink:

But seriously, I'm curious who the Dems are liking.


Catch Me If You Can!
I don't think Daschole would win either! He put himself in a lot a hot water after 9/11 with slamming Bush.


Nothing to see here
Don't think the VP choice will be McKinney either, caught her the other night debating with her opponent in the primary, Majette(sp?) on C-Span, I thought I was watching Comedy Central. I've never seen a politican as deranged as McKinney... :eek:


Attire Monitor
Spoken like a true Democrat...

Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004
> Take your propagandistic pablum elsewhere.
> If you even VAGUELY tried to make sense, it'd be a different
> story, but you're so full of hot air and rhetoric your posts give
> me a headache.

ah, just like a good republican...when you're hit with the truth just attack the "lib'rul".

When you're frustrated, just start throwing out labels!


* * * * * * * * *
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It's what they do best, besides complain and put their deranged ideas on other message boards.

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
We already know that, unless he makes a serious mistake or that DWI comes back to haunt him, Bush will get the Republican nomination. Who do you think's the man for the Dems? I'm highly doubtful of Gore; Hillary Clinton won't be ready; Gephardt has been a toady for too long. You think maybe Daschle? [/B]

daschle and gephardt are way too weak. no spine. i'm thinking it's gonna be either president gore (he beat bush once already), john kerrey, or possibly sen. edwards. if one of those three gets the nod, they'll thrash chimpy. whoever gets it, i am hoping they pick dennis kucinich as their running mate. can you imagine that felonious stiff, cheeney, in a debate with dennis k? i doubt the dick's heart would last all the way through it...dennis would clean the floor with that crook.

btw, it's too bad the republican party is so stuck on sticking with their big mistake (bush) for 2004. i could have dealt with an honest, good man like mccain in there....but why do you republicans pretend chimpy is such a patriotic, honest, intelligent guy when it's so obvious to everyone he's just a tool for the corporate crooks? he's the puppet, the malleable mouthpiece, for the crooks that stole your surplus. since when did working class people start voting against their own interests and supporting corporate socialists?

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by missi1013
I don't think Daschole would win either! He put himself in a lot a hot water after 9/11 with slamming Bush.

actually, he hasn't slammed bush nearly enough.....that's his problem. everyone with a brain is slamming bush. he's a puppet.


Attire Monitor
oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh damnnnnnnnnn

Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

actually, he hasn't slammed bush nearly enough.....that's his problem. everyone with a brain is slamming bush. he's a puppet.

He called Bush a puppet. Damn that hurts! Ouch! Hey, that's below the belt, fella! Why did you have to go there?!?!?
Boy, you sure know how to slam people. Geez....that smarts!
:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:


Attire Monitor
I love the contradictions.

They say "Why is it that every time you try to debate with a Republican, they bring up Clinton dipping his cigar in Monica. How about something new? Quit bringing up the past!"

Then, the first response is usually something about how Gore had the election stolen from him and Bush STILL isn't the president. And just how old is THAT story?

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Originally posted by BchBns

yea, and Gore is doing a fine job as president, huh ... but why doesn't his address label read "Pennsylvania Ave"?

maybe you missed it. if so, i'll fill you in. gore won the election, but the supreme court selected bush as your pResident*.

He couldn't even win his own state

they've uncovered evidence of election fraud there.

And I have a personal beaf with any jackass nominee (regardless of political affiliation) who attempts to block the votes of our servicemen and women

many service men and women stepped forward and said they were mailed two ballots and many of them voted twice. yes, service men and women have the same right as we do to vote.....but only once.

furthermore, what about the 58,000 legitimate african american voters in florida that were turned away at the polls because they were removed from the rolls because their name was the same or similar to a convicted felon in a different state? it was a jeb crow election in FL. have you ever seen the short film that greg palast made, documenting the fraud commited by jeb and katherine harris? if not, go here: of Presidency
and view the full video of theft of the presidency.

... Whenever I think of Gore, I recall the picture floating around of him cleaning a rifle ... the butt of it on the ground, and him looking down the barrel ... :lmao: too bad we couldn't have had one of "dem der accidental mis 'farrings"

what do you think of your boy, using political connections to get placed in front of 100,000 more deserving applicants for the national guard that scored higher on the test? what about him being AWOL for over a year? was that fair to all the people that actually served their country?

I, for one, was for McCain from the moment he announced his bid to run.

great, then why would you support bush, who smeared and slandered john mccain?

Trim Bush 2004

New Member
Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by bknarw
They say "Why is it that every time you try to debate with a Republican, they bring up Clinton dipping his cigar in Monica. How about something new? Quit bringing up the past!"

Then, the first response is usually something about how Gore had the election stolen from him and Bush STILL isn't the president. And just how old is THAT story?

republicans only like old stories when they're about a democrat.

the fact of the matter is, the election was stolen in 2000. democracy was hijacked by a bunch of sleazy corporate socialists. the story is less than two years old. but, it really doesn't matter how old the story is, it was a horrible crime and because of it we are suffering now.


* * * * * * * * *
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Step away from the freon and put the kool-aid down too. You don't actually believe what you wrote do you?


New Member
Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

republicans only like old stories when they're about a democrat.

the fact of the matter is, the election was stolen in 2000. democracy was hijacked by a bunch of sleazy corporate socialists. the story is less than two years old. but, it really doesn't matter how old the story is, it was a horrible crime and because of it we are suffering now.

Yo, Trim--did you happen to watch t.v. on election day? No wait, I make that election month. :lol: Please tell me what crime was committed other than not being able to count a friggin ballot.:rolleyes: (well, that's actually not a crime)

Quit your candy-a$$ complaining and get back to work.
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Attire Monitor
Re: Re: I love the contradictions.

Originally posted by Trim Bush 2004

republicans only like old stories when they're about a democrat.

the fact of the matter is, the election was stolen in 2000. democracy was hijacked by a bunch of sleazy corporate socialists. the story is less than two years old. but, it really doesn't matter how old the story is, it was a horrible crime and because of it we are suffering now.

I know, I know, I'm convinced now.
I'm also convinced that the CIA was behind the fact that the Buffalo Bills never won a Super Bowl, Area 51 is an alien landing base, and Bozo the Clown was actually the unknown shooter on the grassy knoll.