Bad Drivers


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I just have to give them a little tap that's all.....I've always wanted to mount a baseball bat on my bike so I can tap on someone's window when they cut me off..... but my road rage would take over eventually and I'd be in jail! LOL

Aps has that killer attack bunny on his top box for protection. "That rabbit's dynamite!":lol:
I just have to give them a little tap that's all.....I've always wanted to mount a baseball bat on my bike so I can tap on someone's window when they cut me off..... but my road rage would take over eventually and I'd be in jail! LOL

We've already had these discussions... :lol: Plans for forward and rear mounted paintball guns are being developed.....


:lol: Only from people that have no idea as to what the law actually says

My dear Mother - the ultimate backseat driver - proved that when she was pulled over and given a ticket for 57 in a 55 on RT 4.
I never laughed so hard, should have given the Trooper a raise and medal!


24/7 Single Dad
I just have to give them a little tap that's all.....I've always wanted to mount a baseball bat on my bike so I can tap on someone's window when they cut me off..... but my road rage would take over eventually and I'd be in jail! LOL

They could call the cops and report the collision and you'd be at fault.
And have to cover their whiplash disability.

Riding thru Wildwood and a guy started to pull out of a side street. He saw me and than stopped blocking the road. Rolled up, stopped and then walked the bike into his door. :lol:
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24/7 Single Dad

It's raining, turn on your HEAD lights

In Maryland, parking light are only legal when you're parked


Well-Known Member
It's raining, turn on your HEAD lights

In Maryland, parking light are only legal when you're parked

I learned that in drivers ed. 15 years ago, but good luck convincing anyone. If you find a way, let me know, ok?

Also, I believe that it is MD law now that your headlights must be on any time that you are also using your wipers. But again, we'll never convince many people that it's a good idea.


They could call the cops and report the collision and you'd be at fault.
And have to cover their whiplash disability.

Riding thru Wildwood and a guy started to pull out of a side street. He saw me and than stopped blocking the road. Rolled up, stopped and then walked the bike into his door. :lol:

Sure you're right


Power with Control
I learned that in drivers ed. 15 years ago, but good luck convincing anyone. If you find a way, let me know, ok?

Also, I believe that it is MD law now that your headlights must be on any time that you are also using your wipers. But again, we'll never convince many people that it's a good idea.

Thats %100 correct.

MDSHA: Traffic Safety Laws

Turn your headlights on when visibility is poor and use wipers and headlights in inclement weather. Maryland law now requires headlights to be used whenever windshield wipers are used continuously because of visibility conditions.

My peeve? Lunch was great, went home and spent lunch with my wife. Coming back to work, not so great. There I was at or below the speed limit, left lane on eastbound Great Mills Road. Car in the center turn lane next to me. Lady on cell phone in right lane just ahead of me, going maybe 15 or so under, enters my lane, no look, no signal, just does it.

Her rear to my front bumper distance? Maybe 2-3 feet. Thanks to ABS, I didnt crunch her, but it was close, like under 6 inches close. She never knew, I dont think. AHHHRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been riding for a few years now and it never ceases to amaze me the lack of common courtesy for people on 2 wheels. Yeah I know there are some idiot riders out there who like to drive 120mph, weave and pop wheelies (believe me they will hit pavement eventually!)

But please look out for the cautious riders out there! There is a reason we leave extra space in between the car in front of we can slow down without stopping. Stop cutting in front of us you idiots!! Maybe next time I'll just ram into the back of your car and your insurance can pay my salary for the next few months!

:shrug: is this the same as wanting to slow down when approaching a red light, hoping that it will turn green so that you don't have to come to a complete stop? Just curious, if so, why? I've seen many cyclists attempting this only to put their feet down at the last second.


Well-Known Member
So we can see you.

Dang...forgot the sarcasm tag again.

Seriously...I'm convinced that people are:
a) too stupid to figure out how to turn their lights on
b) figure that as long as they can see, no need to turn their lights on
c) somehow feel that the "man" is going to be able to radar them easier (or, pick your own conspiracy theory)
d) all the above

PS: if my engine is running, my lights are on. It's part of the ritual I do every time I get in to go anywhere. Yeah, I have automatic lights, but I turn them on EVERY time I drive.


Dang...forgot the sarcasm tag again.

Seriously...I'm convinced that people are:
a) too stupid to figure out how to turn their lights on
b) figure that as long as they can see, no need to turn their lights on
c) somehow feel that the "man" is going to be able to radar them easier (or, pick your own conspiracy theory)
d) all the above

PS: if my engine is running, my lights are on. It's part of the ritual I do every time I get in to go anywhere. Yeah, I have automatic lights, but I turn them on EVERY time I drive.



Power with Control
Please, tell everyone you know. If their merge with the highway is going to require that traffic to drop 20mph in speed, they really need to speed up just a hair during the merge.

I know that the merge onto the Solomons bridge southbound is short, but there's no excuse for merging at 20mph. Nor blowing off the acceleration lane and jumping straight from ramp to travel lane.


New Member
Remember....other ppl need to get to work too!!

I would love to thank the people who turn left into gate 1 and 2 every morning and blow through the red light.....or better yet block the north bound traffic on 235 (that light is extra long to accomodate the turning traffic). I appreciate you adding on an extra 10 minutes to my commute every morning......Apparently you failed your colors when you were little. Just so you know RED MEANS STOP!!
There were loads of aggravating drivers today, but 2 get cited here. I was headed off Solomon's Island on the bike. A bimbo in a white sporty car insisted on being about 1 foot from my rear, about 25mph. I tapped the brakes once to twice to no avail, because she wasn't even looking forward. Looking everywhere else. I fianlly pulled onto the center line and motioned for her to lull up. When she was broadside, I let her have it. did it do any good? No, she flipped me the bird. I SO wanted to jump on her hood and kick out the windscreen.

And to the red truck that turned onto Town Creek from 235 SB.... the next time you want to have a conversation in the middle of the road with someone in a car next to you... pull over damn it... You were in the left lane constantly tapping your brakes going 30 holding up 2 lanes of traffic behind you. Dumazz.


24/7 Single Dad
Sure you're right
More and more people are being converted to that belief
:shrug: is this the same as wanting to slow down when approaching a red light, hoping that it will turn green so that you don't have to come to a complete stop? Just curious, if so, why? I've seen many cyclists attempting this only to put their feet down at the last second.
Maintaining a safe following distance is not the same as not wanting to sit still on hot pavement in the sun while sitting on a hot engine
Car in the center turn lane next to me. Lady on cell phone in right lane just ahead of me, going maybe 15 or so under, enters my lane, no look, no signal, just does it.

Her rear to my front bumper distance? Maybe 2-3 feet. Thanks to ABS, I didnt crunch her, but it was close, like under 6 inches close. She never knew, I dont think. AHHHRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!
That's why you paid extra to have a horn designed and installed in your car

Dang...forgot the sarcasm tag again.

Seriously...I'm convinced that people are:

b) figure that as long as they can see, no need to turn their lights on

Was talking to a young lady at work after a daylight savings time change and she was complaining about having to use her lighter to read her speedometer. When I asked why she didn't turn on her headlights she informed me she could see to drive just fine.


New Member
More and more people are being converted to that belief

Maintaining a safe following distance is not the same as not wanting to sit still on hot pavement in the sun while sitting on a hot engine

That's why you paid extra to have a horn designed and installed in your car

Was talking to a young lady at work after a daylight savings time change and she was complaining about having to use her lighter to read her speedometer. When I asked why she didn't turn on her headlights she informed me she could see to drive just fine.

No surprise seeing your old ass biatching in this thread.


Power with Control
Eh, I'm not a horn kinda guy, I view the horn as an after the fact kinda thing, really. Not to mention, quite often, the horn startles folks, causing who knows what jackass reaction....... I think, in 2.5 years, and 65,000 miles, Ive used the horn in my car maybe twice:)

On the bike, I use it more, mostly as a "Thank you for almost killing me" notice. Just on the off chance they might look the next time. Dont really expect it, and NEVER plan for it, but it might save some other biker with less paranoia than me.