Ban Candy Canes!!!


Well-Known Member
does anybody EAT candy canes? i don't recall waking up on Christmas and grabbing a candy cane. the chocolate candy was the hot ticket. candy canes were blah

I eat them but mostly after Christmas.

After I have used them to represent Christ at Christmas
After the J is no longer needed, and after the liberals have sh1t themselves because they are a Christmas treat.


does anybody EAT candy canes? i don't recall waking up on Christmas and grabbing a candy cane. the chocolate candy was the hot ticket. candy canes were blah

My kids eat the ever-loving #### out of candy canes.

I hang them on my Christmas Tree.

I go through 3-4 boxes replacing the ones they scarf up.


Well-Known Member
The principal is correct..In Indiana, a candy maker wanted to make a candy that could be a reminder of Jesus Christ, so he made the Christmas candy cane. He started off with a stick of pure white hard candy. The white color symbolized the virgin birth and the sinless nature of Jesus, and the hard candy symbolized the solid rock which was the foundation of the church, and firmness of the promises of God.

The candy maker made the candy in the form of a J, which represented the name of Jesus and the staff of the Good Shepherds. He then stained it with three stripes which showed the scourging Jesus received, and symbolized the blood shed by Christ on the cross. When you break the cane, it reminds us that Jesus' body was broken for us. [\QUOTE]

You will notice - in all of these versions of the candy cane origin - the creator isn't NAMED.
These kinds of origin stories have been circulating for several decades - but there are many of them.
They all have the ring of urban legend and it's extremely likely that they're all false.

STRAIGHT candy sticks have been popular for a VERY long time - it's not inconceivable that someone put
a hook on them to sell them as tree ornaments.


Well-Known Member
Like a lot of candy - they're incredibly SWEET and as such - they're awful. At least to me.

They do however make good swizzle sticks, especially in a bitter cup of hot chocolate.


PREMO Member
There are also some pretty horrifying stories about how doughnuts came about. :yikes:


Well-Known Member
Dayum.... You're not only a racist, you're a racist Grinch!

And it's actually a textbook response from someone on the left - not good for you, so it must be banned.
As in, it doesn't matter what the people want - WE know better, and you'll do what you're told.

Which is the lens they see things from the right - if we think something is bad, they're certain we'll
outlaw it, and if we think it's good, we will compel people to do it.


PREMO Member
And it's actually a textbook response from someone on the left - not good for you, so it must be banned.
As in, it doesn't matter what the people want - WE know better, and you'll do what you're told.



PREMO Member
And it's actually a textbook response from someone on the left - not good for you, so it must be banned.
As in, it doesn't matter what the people want - WE know better, and you'll do what you're told.

which is why this fits so well as a canned response:

Anyone or Anything that does not conform to YOUR World View is Either Ignorant, Uneducated, or Selfish


PREMO Member
Why are candy canes shaped like a J?
