Cellphone and land line


Harley Rider
Right now I still do because my Internet (DSL) comes through my landline. I have a FIOS connection point right in my front yard but Verizon won't give me a price worth switching to. I'd give up my landline (which I never use) if the price was right. I won't pay more for FIOS than I'm paying for a home phone & DSL...


Obama destroyed America
I have both. I have Vonage as my land line and it's less than $25.00/month but I think when the contract expires I won't renew. Maybe I'll do the metrocast bundle.


Come Play at BigWoodys
Both. Again with kids in the house plus I use it as a business line. Just switched to Verizon home phone connect and it is tied to my family plan for 9.99 a month and works great.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Got rid of my land lines about three years ago. Never used so not missed. The wiring is still there, of course, if I ever want to put one back in,,


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Both. Kids in house - the Ex pays for Thing2's cellphone & is not always reliable about paying bill. :ohwell:

But I keep it mainly for Thing1.


In My Opinion
I keep the landline even though both my wife and daughter have cells.
Personally, I dont think I would miss not having the phone at all once away from work.
the reason is that my MIL likes to call every number under the sun until she gets the person she is looking for, I fear that limiting her choices by taking away that one number could push her over the edge and cause her to have to move in with us.
I guess you could say I consider it a personal safety device.


24/7 Single Dad
I have both.
The land line is the basic service and runs about $15($8 + $7 in taxes) and my long distance carrier is usually $3 a month. If I drop it my DSL will go up $10 a month.
Call waiting, call forwarding, caller ID, etc are what makes a land line expensive.
I have both.
The land line is the basic service and runs about $15($8 + $7 in taxes) and my long distance carrier is usually $3 a month. If I drop it my DSL will go up $10 a month.
Call waiting, call forwarding, caller ID, etc are what makes a land line expensive.


And the fact that I've wanted to drop my landline for a while, but just procrastinating making the call.
Both. I have an alarm system tied into the landline. I also like that 911 knows exactly where I am. This is not so when you call from a cell phone. I currently have the landline with AT&T but am scheduled to switch to the Metrocast bundle very soon.

Oh yeah... I also give the landline number out whenever I have to give a phone number for an account or some other tie in. That keeps my cell phone from getting on the spam call lists.


New Member
We have both. We need a land line for our security system - we have the cable/phone/internet package from Comcast.


curiouser and curiouser
Emergencies. 100% because I have little kids in the house. They know 911 well, but my cell isn't always close to them. They can always find a landline.
:yeahthat: And our cell phones have out of state area codes, so it's nice to have a local number to give out when needed. Like aps we just have the basic service and it's about $15/month. No caller ID, etc and no long distance.

John Z

if you will
I have both. The cell coverage at our house is terrible (sometimes zero bars). Plus, and I realize this is lame, but I like being able for more than one person to talk on the phone ("picking up the extension") at the house without gathering around a cell phone on speaker-phone mode. Every time we talk to my father in law and his wife, they are talking together on a cell phone set to speaker-phone. The sound is somewhat poor, and you find yourself acting like you are on walkie-talkies. "I'm doing well ... over." "Good to hear ... over." :burning:


I am so very blessed
I haven't had a landline phone for about three years. Haven't missed it a bit.

We use our cell phones exclusively as a mobile phone AND a "house" phone.