CNN just can't help itself!


Well-Known Member
CNN star reporter Jim Acosta slammed Kim Kardashian West’s meeting with President Trump regarding prison reform on Wednesday as “not normal,” but media watchers quickly pointed out his hypocrisy by pointing to Acosta's sitdown with singer John Legend's in 2015 during President Obama’s administration to talk about the exact same subject. don't understand the difference between one star meeting with the President on a topic and a different star meeting with a reporter on the same topic? Those are the same thing to you??


Well-Known Member
It would be fun to know why the president met with this porn star.
I mean he already has enough problems with another porn star.
Why meet with this one?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member don't understand the difference between one star meeting with the President on a topic and a different star meeting with a reporter on the same topic? Those are the same thing to you??

The different star Was meeting with the reporter to talk about his upcoming meeting with the president of the time. Try to keep up