Cotton Pickin'


Well-Known Member
It's ashame people are calling others racist when they aren't.

Its a shame that racists call others racist.
Who could be more racist than Obama or Mad Max Waters.
Jesse jackass or Al Sharptongue
But it isn't bad enough to be racist. We have people who are so filled with White guilt that they are just as bad----or worse.


Well-Known Member
When I was tending bar in PA I made a reference to some little kid being a porch monkey. My boss was like, "I can't believe you said that right in front of Brownie (a black customer)." I was like, ??? When I was a kid, porch monkeys were children, especially loud or unruly ones. The neighbor ladies would call us white kids that all the time. That's the first I'd ever heard it was a racial slur.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Ohh, so sorry. The word you were looking for is, motherphucking. “You are out of your motherphucking mind.” I award you no points.

black dog

Free America
I remember in the 80's a guy I knew referred to all the college aged guys - he was middle-aged - as "yard apes".
You know, the kind of guy who still used words like tomfoolery and shenanigans.
This was very white New England, so every single person he used it for was white.
He used it to describe gangly clumsy guys who came by his house with his sons.
I am sure he would have been horrified to hear it might be a racist term.

Until last year - I hadn't ever heard it used as a racial epithet.

I must admit - I'm feeling like I'm walking on eggshells, because I can't have to watch my every utterance on the off chance SOMEONE will take offense,
especially if none is ever meant.

It all makes me really glad I work for myself, I just can't imagine working again in a office environment. I would quickly fail.