Coyotes spotted the dameron area


I have lived most of my life in areas with coyotes and other than finding the occasional dead rabbit (head and feet look normal, and the rest a skeleton, looks like an offering at some devil worshipping cult) never had an issue.

No attacks on people, none on pets (even fairly small dogs). I don't have chickens, but I don't think coyotes are like foxes and try to break into coops.

Grew up listening to coyotes howling in the distance at night. Love that sound and miss it. I've heard they don't howl east of the Mississippi, but don't know if that is true or not. We had a farm and never had an issue that I can remember with small calves or pets being taken. I'm sure, however, with habitat change chickens and small pets might be if the opportunity arises, but I don't think there is a need for panic. Hawks decimated my chicken population this past winter- I'm far more worried about them!


Well-Known Member
Funny you mention. St. Jeromes Neck. I understand this is where the vast majority are for some reason. Probably something to do with several chicken farms in the area.


Well-Known Member
I still have some wild turkey around. Either the turkey are smart and stay in the trees, or the coyotes don't like turkey. I can't imagine they wouldn't. It probably boils down to what is easiest to catch. Small cats and dogs could be on the list.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what would happen if you played a tape of it over a loud speaker in the middle of the night? I suspect they might answer "and come to you".
I wonder what would happen if you played a tape of it over a loud speaker in the middle of the night? I suspect they might answer "and come to you".

Its not really news that they are in the area, know someone that used to hunt them pretty regularly and with good success. He used a rabbit prey distress call and it never took long at all for one to come investigate.