CRE Board


New Member

Let's see about postage for the RUT. . . $.42 times 4300 lot owners works out to $1806 a month in postage, times 12 equals $21,672 a year, and that doesn't include the mandatory newsletters before the membership meetings. Wow! not so cheap now, is it?



New Member

You have a good point about Board of Director vacancies not being announced in a standardized fashion, perhaps the new board can address this issue. Also, helps a lot when the Board knows that members are concerned enough to attend the meetings. Remember that Board of Directors meetings are held on the first Monday and third Saturday of the month (unless the new Board has changed that).

If you are sincerely interested in the financial health and CRE's budget process, I recommend that you attend the Finance Committee meetings and make your wishes known. One of the problems that CRE faces is the lack of volunteers; we have a few people who do all the work.



New Member

Let's see about postage for the RUT. . . $.42 times 4300 lot owners works out to $1806 a month in postage, times 12 equals $21,672 a year, and that doesn't include the mandatory newsletters before the membership meetings. Wow! not so cheap now, is it?


when you have a $1.3M budget i'd say its pretty cheap


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member

Let's see about postage for the RUT. . . $.42 times 4300 lot owners works out to $1806 a month in postage, times 12 equals $21,672 a year, and that doesn't include the mandatory newsletters before the membership meetings. Wow! not so cheap now, is it?


Each member paid the 42¢/month in their fees so why not? It's better that the member(s) have some inkling about what's going on in CRE, rather than not knowing where ANY of their money is going.


New Member

You are right that as a community, we should have leverage with the county. Unfortunately, we do not all speak with one voice and the county therefore feels safe to ignore us unless it is in their interest.


New Member
Would Calvert County allow CRE to become a municipality? From what I understand, we need the county's cooperation for that step.


New Member

Money could be saved on newsletters if CRE mailed them but gave residents an option to receive it by email or read it on Property Owners Association of Chesapeake Ranch Estates That would save money. But the board(s) have repeatedly refused to communicate with members, especially recently -- cutting newsletters to every 2 months.... not putting anything of interest in the newsletter, not updating the web site (which CRE gets to use for free) by posting board meeting minutes, etc....

CRE boards have operated with a great deal of secrecy... no one even knows when a board vacancy exists so no one knows they can apply..... so it's the same cast of characters all the time.

There are a lot of things that are not right. This is a time when residents need more communication, not less, about where OUR money is going and what direction the board is taking.... and we need to know when board vacancies happen (quite freqently) so members can choose to get involved.

Mr. Eney has his hands full and I hope he can make a difference, especially in telling the membership about the seriousness of all these issues instead of operating under a cloak of secrecy as past board members have done....


New Member
I don't see why it's so difficult to post information on the website. Is it a control thing or what? Can't the secretary post the minutes? Can't the board write articles on one of the many topics at hand.....??? Where are the committees???? Is it too much trouble to report on what their meetings were about? We're in an information age and CRE needs to step out of the dark ages. There's no excuse. It's pathetic actually. And the excuse that no one has volunteered to assist is B.S.! Where's J. Beckman? Suddenly, communication has just quit. This board member had the same questions as many of us and I'm not seeing any communication on that end.....:jameo:

As for the newsletter and's all about choices. Members are asking for the information which comes from every board meeting and committee meeting. Upload minutes from everything to the web and print it in the newsletter. Even if every issue of the RUT is not mailed, (saving on labor, paper, ink and machinery costs); the RUT can be published on line. Sharing information is not that difficult. If you have e-mail and a computer, which I'm sure most board members & committee members do, there's no excuse.
(Now wasn't that easy!!!!!!!!) :hot: Done preachin! Happy Weekend!


New Member
Even a printed newsletter is a bargain

Compared to CRE having to respond to up to 3,000 members' individual requests for the same information.... except that CRE will take its time responding or not respond at all.

It's not difficult to post things to the CRE website at Property Owners Association of Chesapeake Ranch Estates So for 1+ million dollars in budget, several full-time and part-time employees (with benefits and money for training and rewards and incentives)... if it's too much for the volunteers to do it, maybe the board could ask a salaried employee to spend 5 minutes of their time posting some minutes.


New Member

Let's see about postage for the RUT. . . $.42 times 4300 lot owners works out to $1806 a month in postage, times 12 equals $21,672 a year, and that doesn't include the mandatory newsletters before the membership meetings. Wow! not so cheap now, is it?


I am sure CRE is not paying .42 cents for the postage's. It is meter mail Or bulk mail and that is cheaper. Prices and Fees


New Member
I don't see why it's so difficult to post information on the website. Is it a control thing or what? Can't the secretary post the minutes? Can't the board write articles on one of the many topics at hand.....??? Where are the committees???? Is it too much trouble to report on what their meetings were about? We're in an information age and CRE needs to step out of the dark ages. There's no excuse. It's pathetic actually. And the excuse that no one has volunteered to assist is B.S.! Where's J. Beckman? Suddenly, communication has just quit. This board member had the same questions as many of us and I'm not seeing any communication on that end.....:jameo:

As for the newsletter and's all about choices. Members are asking for the information which comes from every board meeting and committee meeting. Upload minutes from everything to the web and print it in the newsletter. Even if every issue of the RUT is not mailed, (saving on labor, paper, ink and machinery costs); the RUT can be published on line. Sharing information is not that difficult. If you have e-mail and a computer, which I'm sure most board members & committee members do, there's no excuse.
(Now wasn't that easy!!!!!!!!) :hot: Done preachin! Happy Weekend!

I agree! Yeah where has Beckman gone off to? Do you think they gaged her? :eyebrow:
Does the CRE offer mass email list?


New Member
I suspect that board members do not want residents to know anything which is why it's always like pulling teeth to get any answers.


New Member
Okay, my apologize for not being online has overrun me.
I worked during the first official meeting and an additional meeting was added when I was scheduled to work as well.
I did make the BOD meeting this past Saturday. There are some ideas I would like to bring up and need to get them to the BOD to put on the agenda for the Saturday meeting in September.

I know there are a lot of questions and concerns. I have plenty myself.
I can tell you from the last meeting from my memory:
The paving of Bunkhouse road...outstanding at this time. It will need to be put onto the county list of requests for their portion of paving/building. This will compete with all others in the county. Question, what if this is done 3 years, 5 years from now...what will be the costs? Should we build now at the NOW costs, a road to nowhere. Will it need to be adjusted if and when the county portion is done?
The ballot passed to limit to 4 guests at amenities then charge. Okay, this wasn't clear, How much...does the BOD decide...looks like. But I brought up the issue...amenities...means clubhouse, ball field, we are going to charge...not free...have to have security to charge, accountability of income, sometype of identifying item (bracelet, whatnot), hire more security...if someone uses the beach and has to pay why shouldn't those at the playground, ball field, attending yard sales at the clubhouse? It will cost more than generating income. And, really, how often has anyone gone to any anemity and it was overrun. And, just a fact, we (POACRE) do not own the beach is open to the level of mean high tide. So if you have visitors with a boat, they can come in, anchor, hang at beach, and fill it up and not a danged thing POACRE can do...NRP police and others can enforce this for the visitors.
Bids for roadwork...still awaiting submissions.
Motorcycles at amenities...what about the stickers, what is no windshield. There was discussion of going to a card only system...again a cost, but we have to buy stickers anyway.
Webpage...don't know what is going on with uploads to the one now...but there was a presentation for a new webpage that is a supplement to the new TOPS program (accounting program being incorporated)...looks good, but the membership needs input...not just BOD and Mgmt
Member brought up a question: Questions were raised about the policy of hiring BOD director to staff. This needs to be statisfied and not with changing our policy but setting if not one against this and reviewing if one is in place. What about family, what about firing to save money then hiring more people?

My questions or concerns. I think the BOD should support a committee to review the municipality or other options. I think there should be a room/clubhouse available on a regular basis for same. I think we should consider opening all other entrances to the development to save wear and tear /upkeep on our roadways. I think if we continue to ignore members, especially those we don't agree we we (POACRE) can't expect them (members) to be more involved. We ask for volunteers but don't want to do anything differently or just different than how we personally want it. Who wants to just be talked to and told what they can do...and not offered the opportunity to add value. Why does POACRE spend legal fees on items which could and should fall under county status. If ever anything breaks county codes and ordiances...then we should direct and complain to the county. Get some of our $ /taxes returned. I like our attorney...but their job is to make money...not for the joy of working for POACRE.

I don't know why the BOD doesn't go to the public with open positions on the BOD outside of meetings to let people know. It may be policy, but policy isn't always best practice. Why doesn't POACRE admit mistakes, stand together admitting same and then appropriately refund costs we have caused to our members. Goodness knows, we don't slack in making a member pay. If there is a mistake, we fix the policy or missing piece to keep it from happening again, but also admit when something goes wrong. It goes a long way to mending our (POACRE) part in the apathy.
The newsletter could be supplemented by advertising...just a fact.
But who will advertise if they never know it is on or off again.
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Active Member
Face it, CRE residents want something for here talking about simple postage as though thats a big budget item...if you want all these amenities (roads, clean lake, etc..etc.., you have to pay for them....look at the big picture for a change, your problems are beyond your willingness to pay for....accept it or move out


New Member
ballots and priorities

The ballot passed to limit to 4 guests at amenities then charge. Okay, this wasn't clear, How much...does the BOD decide...looks like. But I brought up the issue...amenities...means clubhouse, ball field, we are going to charge...not free...have to have security to charge, accountability of income, sometype of identifying item (bracelet, whatnot), hire more security...if someone uses the beach and has to pay why shouldn't those at the playground, ball field, attending yard sales at the clubhouse? It will cost more than generating income. And, really, how often has anyone gone to any anemity and it was overrun. .

Here's another good reason why there needs to be MORE communication. You point out how dumb this one idea is.

As a resident, I have no idea who proposed those ballots or whether CRE residents even have any legal authority to pass a ballot charging money to use the amenities which all CRE property owners own in common --- i.e., the POACRE board does not own it.... therefore has no right to interfere with my using what I own whether it is the lake, the beach, or whatever....

I just wonder if anyone really puts any thought into these things.... Just because we have the POACRE doesn't mean that there is unlimited authority for the members to pass whatever ballot we can think up.

There are very serious issues that this board needs to address with, and I emphasize with the membership..... Charging extra fees to use a lake beach that is unhealthy for a dog to swim in.... is just ridiculous.

I and many other members are willing to be part of the solution and help but we have to know what is going on......


I bowl overhand

Let's see about postage for the RUT. . . $.42 times 4300 lot owners works out to $1806 a month in postage, times 12 equals $21,672 a year, and that doesn't include the mandatory newsletters before the membership meetings. Wow! not so cheap now, is it?


Nobody in CRE has the internet?

How much is postage to e-mail the newsletter to everyone?

And a one million dollar revenue to manage CRE?? That's a pittance. On top of HOA fees everyone there pays county taxes, what do they get for that money, or does the rest of the country get free money from CRE?


New Member
Nobody in CRE has the internet?

How much is postage to e-mail the newsletter to everyone?

And a one million dollar revenue to manage CRE?? That's a pittance. On top of HOA fees everyone there pays county taxes, what do they get for that money, or does the rest of the country get free money from CRE?

I agree....

I think CRE should come up with a plan for what they want to do... and then we'll know what they are doing. I'd be willing to vote for an increase if I knew what it was going to buy.

I think I heard that they were thinking of either laminate the decals or put a stamp on the member card so motorcyclist could use that. [and before you go there, yes, I was talking to Becky]


New Member
Face it, CRE residents want something for here talking about simple postage as though thats a big budget item...if you want all these amenities (roads, clean lake, etc..etc.., you have to pay for them....look at the big picture for a change, your problems are beyond your willingness to pay for....accept it or move out

dude, you are obviously an idiot and not in the loop. the people bringing up postage are BOD who dont want to send out information to the members. Where has the 1.3 million from the last 20 years gone(thats just the M&O budget, they get another 1 mill in roas fees, and another mil or so from STD taxes just for raods)?

thats the problem, and seriously, for all you geniuses who dont live here but think we should be hapy with a bunch of director who spend all our money on their pet projects, please just STFU until it stars to affect you in the same way it does us, to the tune of $1000/year each. As soon as you start putting up your grand, your opinion will be valid or at lest wanted.


New Member
Hey... add that up again... it's $628.60 a year where did the $1000 come from? Including the road fee and the STD....

For that we are getting paving.... for that we are getting snow removal on the main roads... for that we have two bay beaches.... for that we have a clubhouse we can rent...

$1000.... do you live in CRE?

Some people just aren't happy unless they are spreading misery....
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I bowl overhand
dude, you are obviously an idiot and not in the loop. the people bringing up postage are BOD who dont want to send out information to the members. Where has the 1.3 million from the last 20 years gone(thats just the M&O budget, they get another 1 mill in roas fees, and another mil or so from STD taxes just for raods)?

thats the problem, and seriously, for all you geniuses who dont live here but think we should be hapy with a bunch of director who spend all our money on their pet projects, please just STFU until it stars to affect you in the same way it does us, to the tune of $1000/year each. As soon as you start putting up your grand, your opinion will be valid or at lest wanted.

I didn't think you were even in the state anymore, so your concern would be??