Cruise Ship Terminal in Solomons?


Main Streeter


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Well-Known Member
If the Dominion project brought out the environmental nutties claiming excess ship traffic, they're going to blow a top with this.

I don't see a problem with it.


Well-Known Member
The passengers on the cruise ship could count the cars sitting on the bridge when there's an accident. They could make a game of it, the one closest to guessing the amount of time it will take to clear the traffic, gets a free drink package.


Main Streeter
The article states that origination would be the plan.

Well, those piers do not look like they'd be able to handle the operations that occur at the origination port. Look at Norflk, Miami, FLL, etc. The off loading and onloading that occurs at the origination port is huge and they normally have bridges that the passengers use. Anyone who's been on a cruise knows what I'm talking about.


Only if they build a new bridge. And an enormous parking facility, so as to accommodate CMM and Tiki bar opening. And that all employees must live in the tricounty.


Well-Known Member
I like "thinking out of the box" but the logistics seem a bit overwhelming.

How about a test scenario....a car ferry to the Eastern shore or Norfolk?
Amenities aboard could be restaurants, game rooms, and big screen theaters.

That would at least generate income, (jobs) and relieve traffic on the bay bridge!
(A bet an on-board casino would sweeten the deal!)


Podunk FL
There is one here in Charleston that has a couple of ships leave from it weekly. Charleston has horrible parking. I can't imagine Solomon's being able to handle that type of traffic.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I like "thinking out of the box" but the logistics seem a bit overwhelming.

How about a test scenario....a car ferry to the Eastern shore or Norfolk?
Amenities aboard could be restaurants, game rooms, and big screen theaters.

That would at least generate income, (jobs) and relieve traffic on the bay bridge!
(A bet an on-board casino would sweeten the deal!)

We contributed to a number of feasibility studies over the last couple of decades for exactly those routes and some others. Problem was (ignoring NIMBY issues with the required shore/port facilities) that the economics didn't work in almost all cases. About the only option I recall that might have worked involved the use of ferry "barges" instead of self-propelled vessels, and the only amenities were going to be a service strip down the center with restrooms and some vending machines.


Active Member
Only if they build a new bridge. And an enormous parking facility, so as to accommodate CMM and Tiki bar opening. And that all employees must live in the tricounty.

I agree with this! Great thinking!
I would love to take a cruise out of Solomons! maybe by the time they build it, I will be able to afford it! lol


Active Member
Cruise Ships

According to the plans their pier would be located on government property. Do you really think the gov't people would give up their Rec center? Also the bridge is approximaely 147 ft high and the cruise ships I have seen are much taller than that. Slight logistical probelm here


There's already a port in Baltimore. 2 cruise ships of 1000 passengers operating on a weekly basis means 2000 passengers/week, or 104k passengers annually. Where are they finding 104k people a year that would rather start a cruise down in the boonies instead of starting in Baltimore? If everyone in town pledges to take a cruise once a year then maybe it would be worthwhile, but otherwise it's probably a waste of their time.

BTW, where is that located? I can't see where that could go or any geographical area in Solomons that matches. It's not on the Navy complex that requires ID, right? Lol
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There's already a port in Baltimore. 2 cruise ships of 1000 passengers operating on a weekly basis means 2000 passengers/week, or 104k passengers annually. Where are they finding 104k people a year that would rather start a cruise down in the boonies instead of starting in Baltimore? If everyone in town pledges to take a cruise once a year then maybe it would be worthwhile, but otherwise it's probably a waste of their time.

BTW, where is that located? I can't see where that could go or any geographical area in Solomons that matches. It's not on the Navy complex that requires ID, right? Lol

Yep that's it.