Democrat Debate


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
:offtopic: How did we ever get off on this tangent???

I'm really surprised that none of our usual left leaners have not chimed-in on the debate.


Well-Known Member
No doubt. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with lawful uses of firearms. I'm very pro-gun. Some folks seem to think if you don't go along with every argument which is pro a certain topic, then you can't somehow be in agreement with the premise.

I stuck my nose in there only because I was funning. I agree that just because one is pro this or that you should not be expected to go along with every pro argument.


New Member
My boss is, generally speaking, a total a-hole, but at least he does not give a crap how much time I spend on here. He even encourages it, frankly. I'm pretty sure he'll see this post too.

I agree completely with the assessment of your boss.


New Member
So you are saying it really was rather presumptuous of you because you have no idea?

I wouldn't say I have no idea based on your posts I think I have some idea. Of course it's presumptuous. I don't know you. I think the fact that you won't answer the question however speaks volumes.


Well-Known Member
The answer to your question is we aren't. In the absence of those three things I pointed out, the law protects gun manufacturers or dealers from being liable.
Do you get that Sen. Clinton and those like her are asking for manufacturers to be held liable for the illegal use of their product - going beyond the things you quoted?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well..yeah..but that's because Abe was a pretty smart feller too.

Was he?

I go back and forth on him.

His stated goal of preserving the union, preserving our experiment in self gummint, man, those three months when he took office, before he had congress come back, he took to being a dictator pretty good and was FAR more outside the ascent of the governed at that time than Davis and pals were in Montgomery/Richmond, actions he, Lincoln, was declaring as outside the ascent of the governed.

He did rein back in once congress showed up but he could have asked/ordered them back MONTHS sooner.

Interesting mix of tyrant and guardian of liberty.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Maybe that's the attraction. ;-)

For you? Mine has declined over the years. As a kid, he was the great emancipator. Then, he became the Great Leader humble and wise enough to surround himself with the best and brightest and stern and shrewd enough to manage and control them AND get their best out of them.

Davis, I have a lot of respect for for his immovable cornerstones of principle yet he was, like Lincoln, at once the best and worst choice for secession.

In the end, I think the Civil war THE great American tragedy and, to this day, THE core reason for so much that STILL ills us and I believe had they both found ways to avoid war, we all, blacks including, ESPECIALLY blacks, would be better off and much sooner for it.

And it is endlessly fascinating how physically close to one another they were born.


I hear he quotes Abe Lincoln a lot, too.

"These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES!"
-Abraham Lincoln


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
"These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES!"
-Abraham Lincoln

One of his best. :buddies: But of course there is always Abe's sagest admonishment to keep in mind at all times: "Always be skeptical about quotes you find on the Internet".


But wait, there's more...
Larry David - NAILED IT! SNL got this one right ... bunch of buffoons!



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I have security clearance and work with classified information. If I had a Nickel for each time someone inadvertently released info or when there is some leakage (used unclassified equipment for classed work).

But of course when one party wants to attack another, we will make a BIG deal out of a few emails...... (esp to attack a candidate from a party that we don't like)....

Honestly, within the history of IT and the US gov, how many times do you think this happens? Also what percentage of it is caught? What percentage gets swept under the rug?

How about this.... lets talk about the real issues that are facing this country, issues that are affecting every man, woman and child v.s. about some god damn emails....

Also, you can't talk about one without talking about the other....

If this is true, your shop should be shut down and the doors bolted. I've worked in and managed classified processing labs, and any breach was reported. It didn't matter who was at fault, it got reported.


PREMO Member
If this is true, your shop should be shut down and the doors bolted. I've worked in and managed classified processing labs, and any breach was reported. It didn't matter who was at fault, it got reported.


the cover up would be worse than the Code Blue