Eucharistic Adoration Chapels


New Member
For us Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Eucharist is very special to us. With that in mind, this thread is meant to be a discussion on Adoration.

I have been spending time in the St. Joseph's Adoration Chapel in Ridge, MD. It has been wonderful and I recommend it to anyone looking to pray before the Blessed Sacrament (another name for the Eucharist).

The chapel is open pretty much all the time. The way it works is people sign up to cover an hour or two each week. That way the chapel is never left empty. Those "regulars" make sure to get someone to cover their hour if they will not make it that week.

Some people spend their time praying, others read the Bible or other religious material. And then there are people that just reflect. One story is that a man asked what he does at Adoration. He said, "Simple. I look at Him and He looks at me."

In addition to the chapel in Ridge, there is also one at Immaculate Heart of Mary. And, most Catholic Churches offer a form of Adoration at least once a month (First Fridays for example).

Anyway, I wanted to make people aware of this beautiful opportunity. I think many people that know about it assume it is not for them. But, I find it to be specific time that I know I will be dedicating to God in prayer. That works for me - and it is a good witness to my kids.

If you have any questions let me know. I can provide directions to either chapel or give you more information on what to do there... Take care!


New Member
Adoration is a wonderful time with the Lord. Be prepared for the many who will probably either challenge the belief (which is acceptable and appropriate when one does not understand), or ridicule the practice.
Keep in mind that this is not idolatry, even if you do not believe Jesus Christ is Truly Present. Our worship and adoration is directed to the same Jesus that you believe is only symbolically present, so in our hearts we are not worshipping bread, it is one and the same Lord that you confess.


New Member
On my latest trip, we were able to visit Fatima. In the Euchastic Adoration Chapel there on the grounds of the Cova, a nun is always praying in front of Our Lord 24/7. It was very moving to spent a few momemnt there also, would have stayed longer, but limited time with the excursion from Lisbon, had to get back to the ship before she sailed on. Also, we discovered on the journey, that St. Anthony of Padua was Portugese! His birth home is now a Church.

Hope some day to get to Lourdes. Will make that as an overland trip in Europe, not part of a World Cruise.