Every time the Democrats talk I want to vote for Trump twice


God bless the USA
I am sure the Dems could give you advice on how to vote twice, thrice, or more. They are trying to do everything every which way they can to get a Dem prez elected in 2020. Trump, certainly, foiled them, and their true agenda is showing. I am more interested in the Dem agenda compared to Trump’s. Scary stuff, indeed.
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Well-Known Member
"And let me tell ya, every time one of these newly minted Democratic “stars” opens their mouth, the same thought goes through my mind: Thank God for Trump. Trump is my last line of defense. Trump is the only thing that stands between me and these hallucinogenic socialist nut jobs. Trump is what’s keeping chaos and left-wing insanity at bay."

We tell them and tell them and they don't believe us, probably because they tell us and tell us what their agenda is, and we don't seem to believe them. Weird, huh?


Well-Known Member
And yet there is a contingent in America and in politics that continues to believe that if they keep impeachment and TDS in the forefront they will win big in 2020.
With a platform of Higher taxes and free stuff, and a push to renew Obama's regulations that were strangling our economy.


PREMO Member


It's a Jeep thang!

I am a highly motivated Trump voter because the Democrats have motivated me up to my eyeballs. I have never been more motivated in my life, because the Democrats are terrifying me.

A lot of words in there that I not only believe but feel. As an independent, I could care less about the shenanigans, I could care less about his taxes, I could care less about his marital affairs, I want government to work.

I want the DEMS to impeach, I want them to continue, I want the MSM to continue because as they do, more and more independent voters and Midwest Americans will tune them out and vote for Trump.

If the Dems want to impress me, bring charges against Hillary and have Obama testify before congress about Russian Election interference. Then and only then I MIGHT start to listen to them.

Unfortunately, the Dem party no longer supports the blue collar American. That is going to lead to their demise as a significant political party.