Fusion GPS dossier was one of the dirtiest political tricks in U.S. history


Well-Known Member
There's a crap ton more evidence for massive voter fraud than there EVER was for Russian collusion.
Nothing is going to be done about either.
There is real trouble coming. I wonder how long Americans are going to put up with still rising oil prices, food prices and no formula for their babies. We had a President. He was too mouthy, but he had most things under control. Now we have just the opposite. Biden doesn't control anything. All he wants to do is pass out money that we borrow against our future.


PREMO Member
The Steele Dossier: Pure Democratic Farce

The Steele dossier deserves a special place in the annals of farcical political scams. Were Hollywood not so biased to the Left, it would probably turn the story into a dark goofball comedy. As the Wall Street Journal notes, “many of the dossier’s key details originated with a few people gossiping after they had been brought together over a minor corporate publicity contract.” Remember those Kremlin insiders Steele ostensibly quoted? They were just Democrats who wanted to see Trump lose.

Steele didn’t even bother to cobble these lies together himself. He found a “researcher” in Washington, D.C., Igor Danchenko, to collect them for him. Danchenko has already admitted that some of his alleged information came from “conversation that he had with friends over beers” in Washington. According to the Wall Street Journal, the most salacious story in the dossier — that the Russians had “kompromat” on Trump about him hiring prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed Barack Obama once slept on — appears to come from Charles Dolan, a Democratic public relations executive in Washington.

Whatever account Dolan gave Danchenko has completely fallen apart. “Mr. Danchenko told the FBI he had gotten the prostitute story from a friend,” reports the Wall Street Journal. “He said that he heard it told in jest and that he described it to Mr. Steele as rumor and speculation.” In 2016, Dolan went on a hotel tour of the Ritz-Carlton in Moscow, where he supposedly picked up the story, but even one of his colleagues who accompanied him on the tour told the FBI that the hotel staff never said anything about Trump and prostitutes. So the “rumor and speculation” didn’t even come from anybody in Russia.


Well-Known Member
^^^ And our media ate this up like it was candy. ^^^The Grey Lady New York Times .
Adam Schiff should be drawn and quartered for his part in it.
Paid for by Hillary Clinton.


PREMO Member

It Took FBI Less Than A Day To Discover Trump Conspiracy Theory Was Bogus

FBI Supervisory Special Agent Scott Hellman said “it took him and another agent less than a day to ascertain the data and ‘white papers’ on two thumb drives Sussmann gave Baker did not support the Trump-Alfa Bank ‘secret connection’ allegation,” according to The Epoch Times’ national affairs reporter John Haughey. Hellman was on the stand during the first day of Sussman’s trial for allegedly lying to the FBI.

Sussman is on trial for telling FBI General Counsel James Baker months before the 2016 election. Sussman claimed that he wasn’t working for “any client” when he presented him with “white papers” and purported data that were supposed to show Trump had a “covert communications channel” with Russian-tied financial institution Alfa Bank. The indictment against him states he was working for the Clinton campaign and Tech Executive-1, not independently.



Well-Known Member
It took them less than a day, but what did they do after the ascertained this fact?
They certainly did nothing to stop it from being used against Trump


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget Schiff who used the lie over and over and swore he had proof of it.
What a lying sack of dog schiff he is.

Yes the dirtiest political trick ever used and performed and directed by the lowest form of political trash ever to be not aborted by her mother.


Well-Known Member
Let's not forget Schiff who used the lie over and over and swore he had proof of it.
What a lying sack of dog schiff he is.

Yes the dirtiest political trick ever used and performed and directed by the lowest form of political trash ever to be not aborted by her mother.
Come January hopefully he and several others have no seat on a committee and the world is showed (not tell) why..


Well-Known Member
Come January hopefully he and several others have no seat on a committee and the world is showed (not tell) why..
Californians will return this POS and Pelosi to the House and the wimp assed Republicans we get will enrich themselves and pussy foot around like they always do.


the poor dad
At this point, it’s up to Durham to keep exposing this unprecedented abuse of power for nakedly personal partisan ends, though Congress may help out once Democrats no longer run it.
Yeah right - let the Republicans handle it just like they handled Obummercare when they retook congress. Nothing will ever be done to the ones responsible for starting/spreading the lie, regardless of who is in power.


Well-Known Member
Yeah right - let the Republicans handle it just like they handled Obummercare when they retook congress. Nothing will ever be done to the ones responsible for starting/spreading the lie, regardless of who is in power.
I hate to say it , but you are right, We saw that when Trump made Wray in charge of the FBI and when Barr had the Justice department. They are all under the spell of the democrats.


PREMO Member

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Media Malpractice: Russian Hoax Confirmed by the Durham Report

Seven years later, we learn from Special Counsel John Durham’s report what was obvious seven minutes into this nonsense: The Russian hoax story was a childish prank. The puerile document was created by political opponents of Donald Trump. Duh — and double duh. Those who perpetuated it helped avert peace abroad and destroy tranquility at home. Divide countries, divide the public, and engender paranoid hate; that’s one heck of a prank.

In 2016 this Hilary Clinton paid-for schlock piece of fabulist political fantasy was discussed in a White House briefing. Were these a confederacy of dunces, devils, or serious intelligence analysts? You be the judge. And ask yourself what was the collective IQ in that meeting as CIA Director John Brennan breathlessly went over Hilary’s hoax documents with President Obama, Vice President Biden, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director James Comey ooing and ahhing. Confirmation bias? Lack of critical thinking? Lack of judgment? Or just any stick to beat a dog named Trump with?

On August 3, 20I6, within days of receiving the Clinton Plan intelligence, Director Brennan met with the President, Vice President and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to the Attorney General (who participated remotely) and the FBI Director, in the White House Situation Room to discuss Russian election interference efforts. According to Brennan’s handwritten notes and his recollections from the meeting, he briefed on relevant intelligence known to date on Russian election interference, including the Clinton Plan intelligence [the Dossier]. Specifically, Director Brennan’s declassified handwritten notes reflect that he briefed the meeting’s participants regarding the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on 26 July of a proposal from one of her [campaign] advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security services.

What are Americans supposed to make of a group of adults who would take this story that was politically too good to be true seriously? Hint, hint: in news and intelligence work, too good to be true is usually just another name for false. A rookie newspaper editor in a small city paper would have laughed the whole thing out of the room.

But, alas, there is a pretty wide consensus in the news business that the Washington press corps is the worst in the business. In Washington, it is more about them than about who, what, where, why, and when reporting. The politicians come and go, but they stay; they matter. The class nerds turned power-drunk Roman emperors are running this show. Thumbs up, and your career lives. Thumbs down, and these keyboard gladiators are free to destroy the good name of the man silly enough to color outside the approved lines. By the time they are done with you, there will be little enough for the lions to eat.

How else do you explain a Pulitzer Prize to the Washington Post and the New York Times for its stories premised on the Russian hoax being a true roadmap to a scoop?


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I have to laugh at my thread title because now we've seen covid fascism and outright election theft, which are WAY more egregious political dirty tricks than some fake report with a bunch of made up crap. Which just goes to show - when you think you've seen the most corrupt thing Democrats could possibly do, wait! There's more!


Well-Known Member
On August 3, 20I6, within days of receiving the Clinton Plan intelligence, Director Brennan met with the President, Vice President and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to the Attorney General (who participated remotely) and the FBI Director, in the White House Situation Room to discuss Russian election interference efforts.

Everyone in that room knew they were discussing a dirty political trick. They know this was bull$hit from beginning to end.
They went along with it. Later they knew that the letter from the 51 "intelligence" halfwits was a lie, but they went along with this also. That is how far these people and other involved can be trusted. They supported lies to ruin a President's term.

If that isn't sedition and treacherous acts high crime and treason-------what is?
The whole damned bunch belong in Gitmo. Not a regular prison but a prison designed for terrorists and traitors.


PREMO Member
New York Times reporter Ken Vogel said at the time that Elias denied involvement in the anti-Trump dossier.

When Vogel tried to report the story, he said, Elias “pushed back vigorously, saying ‘You (or your sources) are wrong.’” Times reporter Maggie Haberman declared, “Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year.”

It was not just reporters who asked the Clinton campaign about its role in the Steele dossier. John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, was questioned by Congress and denied categorically any contractual agreement with Fusion GPS. Sitting beside him was Elias, who reportedly said nothing to correct the misleading information given to Congress.

Durham details how Elias played an active role in tracking the media campaign to push the false allegations. (Elias was recently severed by the Democratic National Committee from further representation and has been previously sanctioned in the federal courts in other litigation.)

The report details how false claims like the existence of a “pee tape” showing Trump engaging in disgusting acts with prostitutes in Moscow came from a Clinton operative, Chuck Dolan, with no known basis in fact.

Likewise, now-national security adviser Jake Sullivan and Clinton personally pushed an absurd campaign-created conspiracy theory about a secret communication line between Trump’s campaign and the Kremlin through a Russian bank.

The Clinton campaign later admitted that it had indeed funded the dossier, but Clinton continued to claim that the election was stolen from her by the Russians.
