Goodbye 4th & 5th Amendments


New Member
It was nice knowing you.
This comes as no surprise to me as Tyrants do what they do best. Bring tyranny upon the people.
Also, Please co-operate with your loving govt. when they come and demand your weapons. Please let us have a peaceful descent into total tyranny so no one gets hurt. Thank You. NDAA Conference Committee Strips Right to Jury Trial

Government Outrage- Gov't OUTRAGE: One of the most frightening stories of the year just got worse
"The very weak protections for Americans that were added to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 via an amendment that was introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Mike Lee, and supported by Sen. Rand Paul, has been stripped by the NDAA conference committee. Even those weak protections are now gone. Welcome to the United Soviet States of America.

Today, Rand Paul issued the following statement regarding the newly released NDAA conference report.

"The amendment, introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) and which passed with a 67-29 vote on Nov. 29, was designed to guarantee Americans the right to due process and a jury trial.
""These are basic and core American legal privileges prescribed in our Bill of Rights, which have been observed since our nation's founding. Removing these indefinite detention protections now means that the NDAA is in violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution..."


mama to two
Something about elected officials makes them think they are separate from the Americans that elected them. They are not special, but just think they are. How do they really feel about their rights potentially being taken away? They could be a common citizen by the next election. They obviously don't think about that, because they think they will always have the power of being an elected official, and act like brainless idiots; they have no clue what representation means. Just let them try to push all this bs over on us. JMO


Active Member
I cannot tell much as they don't really describe the original act, nor the amendment to the act that was taken out in much detail.


New Member
It was nice knowing you.
This comes as no surprise to me as Tyrants do what they do best. Bring tyranny upon the people.
Also, Please co-operate with your loving govt. when they come and demand your weapons. Please let us have a peaceful descent into total tyranny so no one gets hurt. Thank You. NDAA Conference Committee Strips Right to Jury Trial

Government Outrage- Gov't OUTRAGE: One of the most frightening stories of the year just got worse
"The very weak protections for Americans that were added to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2013 via an amendment that was introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Mike Lee, and supported by Sen. Rand Paul, has been stripped by the NDAA conference committee. Even those weak protections are now gone. Welcome to the United Soviet States of America.

Today, Rand Paul issued the following statement regarding the newly released NDAA conference report.

"The amendment, introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) and which passed with a 67-29 vote on Nov. 29, was designed to guarantee Americans the right to due process and a jury trial.
""These are basic and core American legal privileges prescribed in our Bill of Rights, which have been observed since our nation's founding. Removing these indefinite detention protections now means that the NDAA is in violation of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution..."

Just wondering if you noticed that there is not one single verifiable fact in your post?

The two articles you linked to are nothing more than copies of one another. Does that then make them both true in your opinion?

There are no links inside the link to the link to the amendments...nothing.

You see a respectable/responsible internet article that is reporting news generally will provide links or references in support of the information in the article.

Propaganda will have no references, no links and will be inflammatory so that gullible members of the fringe will believe them. Oh and the website will have some important sounding to make the propaganda even more believeable.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if you noticed that there is not one single verifiable fact in your post?

The two articles you linked to are nothing more than copies of one another. Does that then make them both true in your opinion?

There are no links inside the link to the link to the amendments...nothing.

You see a respectable/responsible internet article that is reporting news generally will provide links or references in support of the information in the article.

Propaganda will have no references, no links and will be inflammatory so that gullible members of the fringe will believe them. Oh and the website will have some important sounding to make the propaganda even more believeable.

Are you saying NDAA doesn't exist?


Just wondering if you noticed that there is not one single verifiable fact in your post?

The two articles you linked to are nothing more than copies of one another. Does that then make them both true in your opinion?

There are no links inside the link to the link to the amendments...nothing.

You see a respectable/responsible internet article that is reporting news generally will provide links or references in support of the information in the article.

Propaganda will have no references, no links and will be inflammatory so that gullible members of the fringe will believe them. Oh and the website will have some important sounding to make the propaganda even more believeable.

Then, of course, while you’re excoriating someone for providing at least A link as a reference, you’ve provided nothing - NOTHING - to the contrary other than your baseless personal dissent to the information. :bigwhoop:


New Member
Just wondering if you noticed that there is not one single verifiable fact in your post?

The two articles you linked to are nothing more than copies of one another. Does that then make them both true in your opinion?

There are no links inside the link to the link to the amendments...nothing.

You see a respectable/responsible internet article that is reporting news generally will provide links or references in support of the information in the article.

Propaganda will have no references, no links and will be inflammatory so that gullible members of the fringe will believe them. Oh and the website will have some important sounding to make the propaganda even more believeable.

You people really get to me. You want everyone else to be your research pimp while you sit back on your fat ass and claim everything is false because it doesn't agree with your preconceived conclusion. Have you ever heard of GOOGLE or is that beyond your mental comprehension or possibly too difficult to type. Oh, I get it. All the links returned by google are fake, and composed of lies unless independently verified. Especially the returned links that don't agree with you and the lies you have retained about how wonderful our govt is. Excuse me for not recognizing that our govt has the "love of Jesus" in its heart and wishes benevolence upon all men! :barf:

Your favorite organization the ACLU says
"On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the 2012 NDAA, codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. The NDAA’s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president — and all future presidents — to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield. "
I guess I should give you a link before you claim that is all a lie!
NDAA | American Civil Liberties Union

A simpleton search for Feinstein-Lee amendment would have produced the attached actual amendment that was passed and subsequently deleted.

Another simpleton search for " 2012 National Defense Authorization Act"
would have lead to the exact pdf bill.

All I have to say to people like you is the same thing that was said long ago by Samuel Adams
"If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."


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